84 4 0

Y/n: Switch!

(Asuna charges towards Floor 5's boss and deals with the final blow)

Asuna: Got 'em!

Y/n: Nice work, Asuna! You were amazing!

Asuna: Thanks!

(War Chief Escharum and another Jiralhanae watch a montage of Y/n and Asuna taking out several bosses on the different Floors of the death game. They watch as they both deliver the final blow on the bosses too)

Tremonius: These are the humans that take out those weaklings? Look how puny and weak their stubby body and legs are! How are they not dead?

Escharum: No...

(The hologram disappears)

I feel... invigorated.

Tremonious: You promised us revenge! Superiority! Renewal!

(Tremonius slams a fist down on the holotable)

These humans threaten everything now! That boy has the Holy Sword!

Escharum: Do you question my leadership? Atriox's vision?

Tremonius: Atriox is dead! It is his fault that we are stuck here in the Void!

(Escharum slams his fist on the holotable)

Escharum: The Banished will never bow...

(Something invisible grabs Tremonius from behind and shoves his head onto the holotable)

To anyone again!

(Hologram of a trio of Covenant Ket-pattern battlecruisers appears)

Not the Covenant.

(Hologram changes to that of the Prophets of Truth, Mercy, and Regret)

Not the Prophets.

(A triangular device appears below the Prophets, who vanish as the device splits into three individual pieces. A humanoid hologram figure engraved appears above the pieces. The figure seems to have a black sword)

Not him.

(The holograms dissolve. Tremonius' attacker decloaks, revealing itself to be a sinister-looking Sangheili with a robotic left arm and a pair of artificial left mandibles. The Sangheili ignites a red energy blade mounted on his artificial arm and holds it to Tremonius' throat)

We will escape from this prison once the artifact is repaired.

(Tremonius gasps pitifully)

Tremonius: Please...

(Satisfied, Escharum smiles and gives the Sangheili a nod. The Sangheili withdraws his blade and releases Tremonius)

Escharum: Then you will have your fun.

(Humbled, Tremonius rubs his throat, then turns and leaves without another word)

Blademaster. Follow the humans. From a distance. I want to know everything about them.

(The Sangheili bows his head obediently, then leaves. Escharum growls softly as he presses a button on the console and calls someone)

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