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October 24, 2024 Floor 55: Grandzam

Heathcliff: I understand the situation. Now I just have to explain it to the rest of the guild.

Asuna: Also, we'd like a temporary leave of absence from the guild.

Heathcliff: Really? Why?

Asuna: We have concerns with the current state of the guild, and we need time to think.

Heathcliff: Hmm. Very well. Although... I'm positive you won't stay away from the battlefield for long.

October 25, 2024 Floor 22

(Asuna heads to the balcony she and Y/n bought and admires the beautiful view)

Asuna: Wow, this view's amazing!

Y/n: It is pretty awesome, but don't fall off the balcony. That would really suck.

Asuna: We bought the best house.

Y/n: And now we're totally broke.

Asuna: *laughs* It's worth it, though, 'cause we can live in peace here.

Y/n: Yeah. I wish we could live here forever.

Asuna: Let's enjoy it while we can.

(Birds are chirping as the sun rises. Asuna watches her boyfriend sleep peacefully and smiles)

(Usually, he's brash and impulsive. But he can be so naive, too, almost like a little kid.)

(Asuna brushes her hand through Y/n's soft hair)


(She wraps her arm around his neck and hugs. She rests her head on his chest)

I love you. Let's stay together forever.

(Y/n groans and wakes. Asuna lifts her head up)

Good morning, Y/n.

Y/n: Morning.

Asuna: D-Did you...hear what I said?

Y/n: No, I didn't hear a thing.

Asuna: Oh...

Y/n: But I did hear you say that you love me.

(Asuna smiles from that response)

I love you too.

(They share a passionate kiss)

Asuna: Do you wanna go have some fun today?

Y/n: Yeah, you know... didn't we have fun yesterday and the day before, too?

Asuna: So you're saying you don't want to go have fun today.

Y/n: That's not what I meant. Wait, I know a place we can go. Come on!

(The two head outside holding hands as Y/n leads the way)

Asuna: Where are we going?

Y/n: You're just gonna have to wait till we get there to find out.

Asuna: Hmm. Hey, carry me on your shoulders. It's no fun seeing the world from the same height all the time. Besides, with your strength parameter, you won't break a sweat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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