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(Y/n and Asuna enter a room littered with bodies. Most are Banished, but one is human)

Asuna: Y/n, stop. How is... Is that a player? Her body didn't vanish. We need to find out what happened.

(Y/n and Asuna approached the fallen player. Noticing a green glowing module next to her body, he kneels down and picks it up)

Let me see that.

(He hands it to her, and she inspects it)

She was carrying an enhanced shield module. Once you activate it, a shield forms around your health bar until it's completely depleted.

(Asuna hands it to Y/n. He integrates the module on himself, upgrading his health bar that has shields now. He looks at the corner and sees the shield bar. He then turns his attention to the deceased player)

Let's see what I can find out about her. Accessing her data.

(Asuna opens up her menu and looks through the data. Y/n solemnly places a hand on the fallen player's shoulder)

This is Akane Atsushi. Recon specialist. She was part of Knights of the Blood Oath. Her vitals have been offline for nearly a month. Cause of death was an energy blade, but... different. Stronger. A single strike. She never saw it coming.

(Y/n stands back up. The two go up some stairs and enter a massive empty room)

Y/n: I don't like this.

Asuna: Hmm?

(Y/n sits down and puts his hand on his forehead and sighs. Asuna crouches in fronts and holds his hands)

Hey, what's wrong? You've been acting unhappy recently.

(Y/n hesitates. Asuna then puts her hands on his cheek, and the two look directly into each other's eyes.

You can tell me. It's just us two right here.

(Y/n takes a moment to answer)

Y/n: Ever since we saw Escharum back in Floor 1 as the hologram, I have had these dreams... Nightmares...

(He starts tearing up. Then Asuna pulls him into a hug)

I saw you dying. It felt so real! I couldn't believe it until I woke up!

(He starts crying. Asuna rubs the back of his head, trying to calm him down)

Asuna: Hey, it's okay. I'm here. I'm here. Look at me, Y/n.

(They break the hug and look into each other's eyes)

Nothing will happen to me, I promise. I'll be here with you always.

(She moves her hands to his and holds them)

You're my best friend, Y/n. We're in this together. When Kirito went missing, you told me that I'm going to be okay. "I'm always here with you always."

Y/n: Asuna...

(She wipes his tears away)

I'm...sorry that I'm not the perfect player you wanted me to be.

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