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(Several yellow wasp beasts have been slain, and the killer is Asuna)

Y/n: Nice job! You're getting the hang of this.

Asuna: Yeah! This is getting super easy.

Y/n: For now, at least. Once we pass the first few floors, the enemies are going to get harder from here on out.

Asuna: Yeah, of course they will. But we'll defeat them, of course!

Y/n: Right!

(Y/n and Asuna high five each other)

Alright then, Asuna. Show me what you're made of.

(Y/n gets into a stance, ready to fight. Asuna smirks)

Asuna: You're on!

(The two sprint at each other and train. They both trained all day to the point it's night. Both of them are flat on the ground, breathing from their hard work)

Y/n: Phew! Man, that was intense! You learned quickly, Asuna!

Asuna: Hehehe, I'm glad you trained me, Y/n. I wouldn't be here without you!

Y/n: Same.

Asuna: We both could really use a nice bath after today. Is there a town nearby?

Y/n: No, unfortunately. But there is a waterfall nearby if that's good?

Asuna: Hey, that's perfect!

Y/n: Follow me.

(The two players head out. Very soon, they arrive at a waterfall with a beautiful pool)

Asuna: Oh wow... It's amazing and beautiful! How did you know about this?

Y/n: This is what happens when you're a beta tester and when you explore around enough.

Asuna: You were a beta tester?

Y/n: Yeah, but I didn't do much. Mainly explore that's it.

Asuna: Well, you were always the type who loves exploration.

Y/n: Mhm. I'm gonna hang out here and guard you while you take a dip.

Asuna: Okay.

(Y/n heads over to a nearby tree. Asuna steps in the pool of water and swims. She peaks underwater and sees something)

Y/n! Get over here! I found something.

(He hears and rushes over)

Y/n: What's up?

Asuna: There's something down here.

Y/n: Can you see what it looks like?

Asuna: It looks like a chest. A big one.

Y/n: Hmm.

(Y/n opens his menu, goes to items, clicks on one, and has rope)

Are you a good swimmer?

Asuna: Yeah.

Y/n: Okay. Swim down there if you can, tie the rope to the handle of the chest. Then we both will pull it out to see what's inside.

Asuna: Alright.

(Y/n throws the rope, Asuna swims down and ties the rope. She swims upwards above the surface to find Y/n turned around)

The rope is tied!

Y/n: Nice.

(Asuna opens her menu, and her clothes are on)

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