Chapter 4 - Broken Mirror

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Beep. Beep. Beep. The hospital machines had been disrupting my sleep all night, My head laying on her hospital bed and my body slumped on the visitors chair. I was wearing last nights dress and the taste of last days breakfast in my mouth, the last time I ate. "Mrs. Montgomery, would you like to leave now? we can call you when she wakes up." said the nurse. Her long red hair was pinned up. I rubbed my eyes and smiled, "No it's fine I am going to stay here, I want to be the first one she see's when she is up." I said in a hoarse voice. "Alright then." the nurse said sweetly as she closed the door behind her.

"I am so sorry, it's my fault you're here. I could of stopped you. " I said as I stroked her short blonde hair. Yesterday was a blur, seeing my friend attempt to take her own life, frantically calling 911 with my bloody hands, sitting in the ambulance next to my dying friend than watching as the doctors reel her into the emergency room. Too much had happened at one time, I was taken over by fear. I closed my eyes for a moment, I wish Alison had never been born, her destruction still lives with us, she is gone but at the same time has never been closer.

"Aria?" I heard a croaky voice, My eyes opened, staring deeply into Hanna's blue eyes; "Hanna, jesus you scared me half to death!" I shouted while hugging her. Hanna patted down her frizzy hair and forced a fake smile, "I know, and I should of went to another bathroom." Hanna joked. I knew that Hanna was joking but at the same time I knew she was telling the truth. "please Hanna I literally beg you, don't pull that on us again..I am here if you need someone to talk to." I said as tears started to build in my eyes. I fought back the tears, promising myself I wouldn't break down again. Ever Since the school year has started I have been a complete and utter mess, my grades have completely crashed, I have bombed practically every test, I am constantly depressed and feeling as if my life could end any minute and I wouldn't even care. "you smell horrible, go home and take a shower!" Hanna laughed and pushed my of the bed. I forced a smile, "alright fine, glad to know your okay BUT don't pull an Ali on us ok?" I said as I got up. Hanna's smile immediately disappeared, "right...her suicide.." Hanna said as she slumped into her bed.

Every time I Mention Alison's suicide Hanna gets completely defensive and totally shuts down, I guess I would feel guilty if the suicide took place at my house too.

I quietly walked down the hospital hall, "Hello Mrs. Marin, we have received your preferable choice of mental health Institutions for you daughter, I must say I agree with your choice. Radley Sanitarium is a pristine Institution that will keep your daughter safe and well." Said one of the nurses, it appeared that she was on the phone with Mrs. Marin, Hanna's mom. I stopped, in my tracks, and so did my heart. Hanna's going to Radley. I couldn't even begin to imagine the all time classy it girl, princess living in the hallowed halls of Radley.

Monday. great, my favourite day. Of course, the usual monday morning starts off with me hauling my lazy ass out of bed and getting dressed. I fumbled through my walk in closet in search of a semi decent outfit to wear, I pulled out a cropped sweater from my white chic dresser, the sweater was a gift from Hanna on my fourteenth birthday, I pulled it over my black bra and picked out my black skater skirt. I ran my fingers through my show shelf before I spotted the perfect shoes for the outfits, black white and gold wedged sneakers. Perfect. I sat myself at my vanity and applied my makeup. While applying mascara I foolishly lightly stabbed my eyeball. "Oh my god Shit!" I cursed to myself, I swung my body around, looking for my hand cloth. Wham. My elbow nudged my hand held mirror of the vanity and it smashed to pieces in the ground. Great, I just broke a mirror.

"you is lookin fine baby!" Noel sad as he slapped my butt. "Jesus Noel, leave me the hell alone!" I snapped. Noel backed off and muttered "I guess its that time of a month." This day couldn't honestly get any worse.

"Aria! Aria! Aria!" I heard a girl call, following the sound of 10 inch stilettos clicking along the ground. "I am holding auditions for my minions, honestly I think if you and Hanna would sign up I would let you guys carry my books and get my Starbucks!" Said the girl, who was apparently Emily, I could barely recognise her with all of that makeup on. I glared at her, I was full of hatred, she's has been stomping all over Alisons grave and shoving us down into it too. "Why are you doing this." I spat. Emily whipped the invisible spit of her cardigan and opened her lip gloss covered mouth, and said "What do you mean babe? if your talking about me and my new little monarchy, you know there had to be a new it girl, I just decided to continue the legacy of ruling the school with class, I have been hiding in the shadows of our overpowered blond bimbo so called "friend" for so long, but her death made me realize it was fate, I was meant to be the ruler." Emily spoke in a fake valley girl accent, the kind you would here on one of those guilty pleasure reality tv shows like Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I studying Emily's face, there was nothing familiar to me, there was no trace of her untouched pro swimmer body. I saw nothing, fake, makeup and a mask of lies. "have all the popularity you want, after all in the end no one actually gives a shit." I spat in disgust.

That evening, the girls and I had to attend a dinner with Ali's family at her house. Of course, I really didn't want to go, one step into that house and all of the memories will come back to me. "Mom, can't we just skip?" I winged. My mother stared at me aghast, "Sweetie, she was your friend don't you ant to show support to her family?" I understood that, but it was just like the funeral, A bunch of people who never even knew her mixed with the ones who loved her, all you hear is people saying things that weren't even true. "Alison was amazing, she wouldn't even hurt a fly." said one of the girls at the service, it wasn't true and she knew it

The car pulled up to the drive way, the shining headlights reflected off her bedroom window, for a second I thought I saw someone in the room. There was a sick feeling in my stomach as if something was not right. My dad stopped the car and we all got out, I heard someone whisper my name from behind me, I whipped around watching the girl in the plaid jacket stand by my side, "are you ok?" Spencer said with care in her voice, I smiled quickly. "nice jacket."

"where are the others?" I heard Spencer say as we entered the Dilaurentis's house. Remembering, it would probably only be me and her. "well for starters, Hanna's in the hospital and Emily's...well doing who knows what." I muttered.

"Hello girls, glad to see that you're fine." Mrs. Dilaurentis said as she directed us to our seats. Moments later we were all sitting in there living room sipping on earl grey tea, it was awkward, no one really wanted to say anything. Finally, Mrs. Hastings broke the silence, "So girls, how is sophomore year treating you?" Spencer and I looked at each other and answered in unison, good. Like a depressed girl saying she is fine, but really isn't we were vague and speaking completely lies, Sophomore year was treating us like crap, the rest of Rosewood High School seems to be going along with the lives perfectly, but not the apparent freaks of the school, us. I unconsciously glanced at the clock, Jesus, its only been 12 minutes. I thought to myself. I glanced around the room until my eyes laid upon a framed picture of us and Alison, it was a picture taken at the King James mall with one of those fake santa guys, I've never liked those fake santas, who knows they could just be pedophiles, with a fetish for children's butts on there laps. This is how bored I am, thinking about fake santa pedophiles, what the hell. "Well, I think I need to go to the bathroom." I said awkwardly, Spencer stood up to "me too." she said soon after. The two of us scurried up the stairs, my fingers ran across the staircase beam, nearly tripping on the last step. "Aria you don't really need to go to the bathroom do you?" Spencer said with a smile. "are you thinking what I am thinking?" I replied. Our eyes glanced at Alisons closed bedroom door, our eyes met. I quietly crept to the door, slowly turning the doorknob. As the door flung open, a shadow flashed across the window pane, my heart skipped a beat and my jaw dropped. "who's there?"

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