Chapter 7 - Our little secret

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Alright Aria, here are your medication and your car keys. "please, be more careful." Even though ensurance granted me a new car, I am to afraid I am going to do the same thing. I pull out my phone, which unfortunately only had about fifteen percent of battery. I dial Hanna's number and wait for her to pick up. The phone rings out for several seconds before I heard her voice. "you, missy have a shit ton of explaining to do!" I smile, "I know, I know. Can you pick me up?" Hanna accepted and hung up.

I patiently pace around the hospital pick up zone, watching several ants carry a crumb of candy from the steps to the garden. It feels as if I have been waiting for hours, I pull out my phone, ignoring the crossy road notifications and text hanna. "where you at?" 

Momentarily, Hanna arrives in her pale white convertible. "are you even supposed to be here? the nurses will kill you, trust me I know." Hanna said as she kicked open the seat next to her. Just as i get in Hanna jolts up and quietly yelled "shit shit shit there's your mom and dad, there back from getting coffee." I roll my eyes, annoyed. "ugh great, I was just about to escape this hell hole." Hanna half smiled, "I'll meet you later, at the carpark?" I get out of the car and  quickly shut the door, "Maybe, we'll see." 

I haul myself into the elevator, disappointed. I pressed the fourth level button and the doors slowly close. "wait!" I hear someone yell from the other side, they than stick there hand through the closing elevator doors, stopping it from closing shut. Her head is down, fumbling through her bag. I recognize her soft narrow face and her ash brown hair. The woman looks up, "Aria? what are you doing? aren't you supposed to be in your room getting treated?" I smiled with embarrassment, "mom, I just wanted to get some fresh air and stuff, you know." My mother frowned, "there's a recreational wing for a reason,  Aria." 

I step out of the lift, looking at my clothes. I had changed into a nice pair of stylish clothes, but now I am back to the ugly mute green hospital gown just because my mother wants me to stay another few days. 

I storm into my room without realizing there was a bouquet of flowers and card laying on my bed. I push the flowers away and pick up the card. Dear Aria, I am greatly upset to find out your baby has not survived all of these horrible things that have been happening. I know you are very upset but maybe it was for the best. - Gran  

I put down the card, grans handwriting is beautiful. Knock knock,  there was someone at the door. I get off the bed and onto my feet, before I could even open the door it flung open. "Hanna! how did you even manage to get in?" I laugh. Hanna sneaks into the room, looking behind her for nurses. "listen, if anyone asks I am your sister okay?" Hanna laughed and continued, "Okay, I'm here partly to see if you didn't run away and to finally hear what happened with you and Ezra and on top of that how the hell you got in a crash." Hanna sits herself on the bed. She looks around the room and grabs the card my grandmother sent me, "oohh who's this from?" she says as she opens it and begins to read. "Oh my god, the babies dead?" Hanna was devastated. I snatch the card back, "no no no she's not dead. I just had to tell my parents that so they won't get Ezra arrested." As the words came out, I realised how stupid it sounded. "anyways, I got in the crash right after I visited you in hospital, I was going to the brew when I got a call from someone, the number was blocked but I foolishly picked up. As soon as I picked it up there was a girls voice on the other end, it was Alison and she was asking if she was asking why I was late to our annual mani pedi sessions every first and last sunday of the month. It really was her, and it scared the hell out of me. I was paranoid for the whole trip until I lost it." Hanna's smile was gone, she was worried too. 

"are you sure it was her? you do know that she is gone." Hanna said.

It was true, she was gone but did anyone really see her body? at her funeral the coffin was not open, and no one but her mother saw her when they found out she was dead. "Hanna, did you see her dead?"

"well, yes I saw her fall and there was no motion after that." Hanna says as she twiddled her thumbs. "maybe she was just unconscious she could be alive!" I shout. 

"wow, slow down tiger. Shes gone."  Hanna says as she puts a hand on me. 

There was a loud knock on the door, Hanna shot up.

"well thats my exit cue." she said as she straightened her sun dress and went to the door. 

she paused at the door and turns around.

 "its going to be okay, Aria." 

Phew, no more visitors for the day! I recline into my bed and pull out a teen vogue magazine from my bedside table. 

The door busts open and a swollen jawed Ezra comes into the room, his eyes red and puffy as if he was crying. 

"Ezra are you alright?" I say as I sit up, staring into his puffy red eyes.

"no, are you alright?" He says as he comes to me and pulls me into his embrace. 

"I'm so sorry about everything, I am so sorry about the baby." He says as a tear drop falls drips down his face.

"Ezra, she's fine." 

Those words seem to wake him from a trance, his eyes immediately light up. "but but everyone is saying she is gone?" 

I look down in shame, "I had to lie, if I didn't you would be sent to jail." 

Ezra's emotions disappear, he looks impulsive. "so you mean you did this for me?"

I smile and put my hands onto his soft face. "I can't let my baby girls father go to jail." 

His face eyes up again, "a girl? its a girl! what are we going to call her?" Ezra was obviously wanting a girl. 

That was a good question, what were we going to call her? and whose last name would she have? 

"we have plenty of time to figure out the name but, where is she going to live? she can't live with the both of us neither can she live with just one of us.

"adoption maybe?"

The words adoption seem to scare me, I can't deal with the fact that complete strangers would have full control of my baby, that came out of me.  

 "but, Aria non of your parents know about the baby? how are you going to give birth? how are you going to do it without your mom and dad?" Ezra said as he put his head between his hands. 

"it could be our little secret." 

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