Hazy Morning

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I wake up in a haze

Tears dried on my cheeks

Look into the mirror

With my eyes red

And puffy cheeks

I try to will myself to smile

I try to put on a brave face

For the day ahead

I have plans

But I want to stay inside

In a corner

Feeling sorry for myself

That it got this way

I don't have the energy

I don't have the strength

But I have too many people

Counting on me

I feel the weight on my shoulders

I feel the weight on my chest

As I try to get better

To pick up the pieces

I am talking louder

I am sharing how I feel

I still feel so alone

I encourage you to fly

As I stumble on the ground

I want to fly too

I want to see the world

But my mind is on the floor

I picture myself

Picking myself up

I am strong

I am beautiful

I will get through this

One step at a time

I am not alone

Even when I feel it

I can get through this

This pain

This hurt

I will get through it 

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