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Jennie Pov.

I opened my eyes in an unfamilier room. I quickly sat up straight on the bed.

Then suddenly I realize that I am a married woman now. I looked at the time. It's still 7:00 am in the morning.

I got up from my bed and went to take a shower. After 15 minutes, I came out of shower wrapping towel around my body.

Then I went towards cupboard. 'what should I wear today.' I thought while running my fingers through the clothes.

Then I picked this and wore it...

Then I picked this and wore it

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I walked out of my room. And saw no one is around in the living room.

I heard some noise from the kitchen. So I entered in kitchen and saw a lady was preparing breakfast.

She seems older than me. I think she is maid here. I went to her. As soon as She sensed someone behind her, She turned and looked at me.

She smiled and said,
" Mrs.Kim!! Good morning! Do you need something?"

" Uh..Good morning. I don't want anything. I just came to see what you're making." I said while smiling at her.

" Oh! I am making Bibimbap." She said.

" Hmm. What is your name Unnie?" I asked.

" I am Lee Ji-eun. You can call me IU." She said.

" Unnie. I am Kim Jennie. Call me Jennie only, not Mrs.Kim. " I said.

" Okay Jennie." She said.

" By the way Unnie! Are there no more servants here? Are you the only maid here?" I asked her.

" Yes!! Mr.Kim does not like crowded environment. That's why He only hired me. " She answered.

" Ohh!! So from now on, I will cook and you only will do cleanings and laundry. Okay Unnie?" I said.

" But You don't need to do anything. I can do everything by myself. " She said.

" No unnie. I also want to do something. I don't want to be bored sitting alone in this big mansion." I insisted.

She chuckled and then nodded her head in defeat.

" Okay! But for now let me prepare this and You go wake up Mr.Kim and Taejoon." She said.

I nodded at her but now I am getting nervous. I walked upstairs to Taehyung's room.

I was about to open the door of His room when It opened on its own and Taehyung was standing infront of me with Taejoon in his arms.

I was about to open the door of His room when It opened on its own and Taehyung was standing infront of me with Taejoon in his arms

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(Ignore the mask)

He raised an eyebrow asking me what I am doing here.

I stepped back and said,
" Umm..B-breakfast is ready. S-so I came to call both of you for it."

Taejoon looked at me and spoke with smile," Mommy, Good morning."

" Good morning baby! Let's go have breakfast. " I also said with smile.

He nodded and jumped into my arms. Taehyung went downstairs and we followed him.

We saw IU unnie serving food on dining table. We took our seats and started eating.

Taehyung was sitting infront of me while Taejoon was on my lap and I was feeding him.

We finished our breakfast and then Taejoon said,
" Mommy! I am going to school. Please wait for me. When I will come home then we will play a lot Okay?"

" Okay baby! Take care of yourself. Hmm?" I said while kissing his cheeks.

He giggled and nodded at me. Taehyung didn't even spare a glance at me and hold Taejoon's hand and went outside.

I also followed them outside. I saw Taehyung enterd in his car with Taejoon on the front seat.

Taejoon looked at me and shouted, " Bye Mommy!!"

I also waved at them with a smile. Taehyung looked at me once and then He left from there with his Car.

I went inside straight to the kitchen and saw IU unnie cleaning the kitchen counter.

I went to her and asked,
" Unnie! Did you have breakfast?"

" No! I will just clean this up and then I'll eat." She said.

" Then Go eat first. I will clean it."
I said serving food on the plate.

" Here! Go and eat okay." I said handing her plate.

She first looked at the plate then at me. Then she nodded and took the plate with a warm smile on her face.

She sat on the chair and started eating while I started cleaning.

Taehyung Pov...

I dropped Taejoon at his nursury and went to my company.

He is very Happy today. I have never seen him this much happy before. Maybe it's because of Jennie.

I don't know why I said that to her last night. But I really don't want to give her the false hope that I will treat her as my wife.

I have lost faith in love because of an incident that happened in the past which I don't want to talk about.

I reached my Company and started doing my work in my office.

Time Skip....

I saw the time on my wrist watch and it's 5:45 pm. I walked out of my Cabin and went straight towards parking lot.

I drove off my Car to Taejoon's nursury. I reached there and waited for Taejoon.

He then came out while running.
" Dadddy!! Let's go quickly. I want to play with my Mommy." He said while entering in the Car.

" Slow down baby! Your Mommy is not going anywhere." I said.

" Okay Okay. Now drive fast Daddy." He said while looking at me annoyingly.

I glared at him and then drive my Car towards our mansion...

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