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Taehyung Pov.

I am here in my cabin, checking some files When I got a call from my secretary Mr.Lee.

" Hello? "

" Sir Mr.Jung came to see you. " Mr.Lee said.

" Hmm. Send him in. " I said and cut the call.

After few minutes, Hobi Hyung entered in my Cabin.

" What's up Taehyungie " Hobi hyung said cheerfully

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" What's up Taehyungie " Hobi hyung said cheerfully.

" All good here. What about you hyung? " I said and hugged him.

" Same!! "

we pulled away from the hug and sat in front of each other.

" So...what brings you here? " I asked.

" Ahhh....I have specially come to invite you for my marriage anniversary party which is tomorrow. " J-hope said.

" At what time? " I asked.

" Tomorrow at 7:30 pm. are coming right? " He said.

" Of course I will be there. " I said.

" And yess!! You have to bring your wife along. Momo wants to meet Jennie. " Hobi said.

" Hmmm..Okay. But what about Taejoon? " I asked.

" Don't worry about him. Send him to Uncle's place for a night and Then pick him up from there next morning. Simple.." Hobi hyung said refering to Jennie's Dad.

I started thinking about it.

" Yah! Stop thinking too much!! It's only for one night.." Hyung said.

" Okayy okay!! Me and Jennie will come. Happy?? " I said agreeing.

" Hmm. Thats better. Okay then..... I am going now. I also have work in my company. See you later. Bye.." Hyung said getting up.

" Hmm...Bye hyung!! " I also waved at him. Then he walked out of my cabin.

Hobi hyung and Me are partner in our upcoming project. Hirai Momo is his wife. It's their first marriage anniversary tomorrow.

He has specially come to my office to invite me. So Me and Jennie have to go tomorrow to his party.


It's been a week since that sudden kiss in the study room. But don't know, till now that moment is coming again and again in front of my eyes.

Jennie's blushing face when our lips touched, her struggling to get off me, her running away from me cause of embarassment. It's all coming in front of my eyes again and again.

I shrugged all the thoughts away and started working again.

Time skip at night...

Jennie Pov...

I am here in the living room watching TV. It's 8:00 pm right now but still Taehyung is not home yet.

I feed Taejoon dinner and put him to sleep in his room. He was insisting to eat with Taehyung but I forced him and put him to sleep cause I know Taehyung would be pissed if Taejoon was still awake.

I'm sleepy but still trying to keep my eyes open.

After half an hour, The main door clicked open. I looked at the door and saw Taehyung entering inside.

Taehyung Pov...

Today I am very late because of all the work in the office. Taejoon and Jennie must be asleep by now.

When I reached home, Instead of ringing the doorbell, I took out my spare key and opened the door.

I went inside. I was removing my shoes when I heared a sweet familier voice..

" Ohh..You're home. "

Jennie came in front of me.
" You Go and freshen up, till then I will heat the food for us. "

She said and walked inside the kitchen.

' Why is she still awake?? ' I thought and went upstaires.

I saw Taejoon was sleeping peacefully on the bed. I am glad He didn't stay up late for me.

I went to him and kissed his forehead and then went to get freshen up.

After getting fresh I went downstaires. When I came inside the dining room, I saw Jennie was sitting on a chair waiting for me.

When She saw me, She started serving food in two plates.

I got confused why she is serving food in two plates.

I sat on a chair in front of her and asked,
" Why are you serving food in two plates?? "

She looked at me and said,
" One for you and one for me. "

" You haven't eaten yet?? " I asked in disbelief.

She shook her head.

Auther Pov...

" Why? " Taehyung asked.

" Umm...I was waiting for you to come so that we can eat together." Jennie answered.

Taehyung didn't say anything and looked at Jennie for a while. Jennie's heart started beating faster when she found him looking at her like that.

She lowered her head and started eating. Taehyung also started eating.

They were eating silently. Only the sound of their spoon hitting their plates was heard in the room.

" Did Taejoon eat? " Taehyung asked breaking the silence.

Jennie hummed in response.
" He was insisting to eat with you."

They made an eye contact and then Taehyung nodded his head in agreement at her. He knows that Taejoon must have insisted to wait for him. This is nothing new to him.

They again started eating.

" you shouldn't stay up late for me! " Taehyung said looking at her.

Jennie looked at him and said,
" Huh..."

" You should have eaten and slept too. " Taehyung said.

Jennie doesn't know what to answer so she said,
" I was not hungry that's why I was waiting for you. "

" Hmm...So are you hungry now?" Taehyung said with a bit of playfulness.

Jennie didn't answered anything and started eating quietly.

Taehyung smiled slightly at her but then he shrugged it off and started eating too.

After finishing their dinner, Taehyung went upstaires to his room and Jennie went to wash the dishes.

Jennie Pov...

Today is the first time Taehyung talked to me for so long. We have been married for three and a half months now and This is our biggest conversation after Marriage.

Don't know why I can't stop smiling. For the First time He talked to me without getting angry or scolding me.

After washing the dishes, I went to my room to sleep. Anyway Taejoon is asleep now so I can sleep in my room.

Because of me, both of them have to sleep in less space. That's why its better if I sleep in my room.

I came to my room and lay down on my bed. Today I was very tired, that's why I started feeling sleepy as soon as I lay down. And I fell asleep within minutes.

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