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Jennie Pov.

I am cooking lunch right now. Everyone's sitting in the living room talking.

Today everyone has decided that no one will go to work for today and will rest at home only. Cause after so many days, there is happiness in our house.

Jisoo unnie insisted on helping me cook but I declined. She has just recovered and it will not be good to let her work.

Suddenly, I felt a hand wrapped around my waist. I gasped and turned my head to see that it was Taehyung and he was smiling.

" W-what are you doing, Taehyung? " I hasitantly said trying to remove his hands which were wrapped around my waist.

But Taehyung put his head on my shoulder and tightened his grip around my waist.

" T-Taehyung, S-someone will see!!" I said glancing towards the door.

" Let them see, then. I don't care. You are my wife anyway. " Taehyung whispered into my ears and buried his face in my neck.

I closed my eyes as a strange shiver ran through my body.

" Don't you think Taejoon needs a sibling in the house? Do You know how lonely He must feel among us adults? " Taehyung suddenly asked planting a kiss on my shoulder.

I squeezed my eyes tightly and tilted my head sideward at the tickling feeling.

" Y-yeah! I think so too. " I answered not paying attention to his talk.

Taehyung turned me around so that we face each other. I slowly looked at him, our faces were very close to each other.

His gaze was so intense that even more shiver ran through my body.

" Then let's give him one!! " Then I realised what he wanted to say.

I widened my eyes while my cheeks were flushed. He smirked and started bringing his face closer.

" Taehyung! S-stop it! or someone will-"

" You talk too much! "
Before I could finish my sentence, he captured my lips with his.

I was again stunned at his action. This time he was kissing me hungrily.

When he saw that I was not kissing him back, he squeezed my waist and bite my lips. because of that, my lips automatically started moving with his.

After a few seconds, I also started liking this feelings. His hands were slowly caressing my waist while he was kissing me more deeply.

But once again...

" If I didn't let you make babies in your room, that doesn't mean you can make babies here in the kitchen. "

We quickly parted and looked at the door to see Jisoo unnie standing there smiling mischievously towards us.

I quickly started cutting vegetables to avoid her teasing.

" Jisooooooooooooo!! " Taehyung shouted annoyingly.

" Whattttttttttttttttt??" Jisoo unnie also shouted.

" Yahhh!! What happened? Why are you two shouting like this? "
Jin oppa also came there and asked looking at them.

" Nothing. It was just some people trying to have babies in the kitchen. " Jisoo unnie said eyeing Taehyung and me teasingly.

" W-what are you saying? I was just trying to teach Jennie how to cook!! " Taehyung quickly blabbered out of embarrassment and started lighting the flame.

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