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Author Pov.

From the Day Jennie learned that Jisoo is alive she was always lost in her thoughts.

She now started to fear that Taehyung will leave her when Jisoo gets well and Taejoon will also forget her when Jisoo comes.

She can't stand being away from Taejoon, who affectionately call her 'Mommy' and her first and true love, Taehyung.

The very thought of being separated from the one she loves so much brings tears to her eyes.

Jennie is sitting in her room looking at Taehyung and Taejoon's Photo.

She has smile on her face and tears in her eyes looking at the photo and her hands caressing the frame

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She has smile on her face and tears in her eyes looking at the photo and her hands caressing the frame.

' I think I should distance myself from both of you so that I won't be hurt too much in the end when you have to leave me. ' Jennie thought.

Taehyung Pov.

I have told Taejoon about Jisoo being alive. Now it seems that a big burden has been removed from my heart.

But still he is small, he will not be able to understand all these things properly.

I have to tell Jennie about this too. But I am waiting for the right time. If I tell her now, she might not understand.......and I don't wanna lose her.

Sitting in my office, I was thinking about how many changes have come in my life in these two years.

But Suddenly my phone rang. 'Jin hyung' was visible on the screen.

Jin hyung's voice came as soon as I picked up the phone.

" Taehyung!!! Come to the Hospital right now. Jisoo has woken up from her coma. "

I froze. 'Jisoo is awake?...Am I dreaming or did I really hear that.'

" Taehyung! Taehyung!! Are you there? " Jin hyung sopke from the other side.

" Y-Yes. I am here. " I snapped.

" Come to the hospital right now and bring Taejoon along with you. Jisoo wants to see him too. " Jin hyung said.

" Hmm..okay." I said and took my coat and car keys and left my cabin.

I told Mr.lee to handle the company for a while and went straight to patking lot.

I entered in my car and turned my car towards Taejoon's school.

As soon as I reached Taejoon's school, I talked to his teacher Mr.Min and asked him to take Taejoon with me.

We both sat in the car and left for 'Heart Hospital'.

" Daddy? Where are we going? " Taejoon asked.

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