Chapter 11: Agreement of the Mutual Lord

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Lisa was anxious as she looked at Rosie and Jungkook who were sitting down in her bedroom and looked at each other.

This morning...

"You're living with that vampire guy now!?" Rosie yelled at Lisa, not believing what she's hearing. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!?"

Lisa was startled from Rosie yelling at her and started to feel a little uncomfortable. "I mean, a lot was going on and honestly I couldn't care less about Jungkook..." Lisa trailed off.

Rosie looked panicked and went towards Lisa. "Are you ok?! He didn't do anything to you did he?!" Rosie asked, as she started check on Lisa to see if she was physically ok.

Lisa looked unbothered by it. "Do anything to me..."

"He turned me into a vampire?" Lisa said.

"Besides that!" Rosie huffed.

"Geez, you need to be more careful Lili..." Rosie put her hand on her cheek and sighed.

She put her hands on her hips and looked Lisa down, who was sitting on the bench. "Ok, I'm going to meet this "Jungkook" later today, got it?"

"HUH!?" Lisa looked at Rosie with dread.

Rosie looked at Lisa suspiciously. "What, is there some reason I can't?" Rosie lifted an eyebrow as she stared at Lisa.

Lisa sweat dropped. "Uh...I don't want to let you meet a looser like Jungkook..."

And so, here we are...

"I'm guessing you're "Rosie"?" Jungkook said looking at Rosie.

Lisa turned to look at Rosie nervously.

Rosie closed her eyes and clear her throat. "It's Roseanne. Roseanne Park."

Jungkook leaned on his elbow, still looking at Rosie. "Roseanne, huh. You're beautiful, I can see why Lisa never shuts up about you."

Rosie blushed at his words and gave Lisa a side eye. "...Lili? What have you been telling him?"

Lisa smiled innocently. "Ahh, well, um..."

'I did say she was cute a lot.' Lisa thought.

"Lalisa told you everything, right?" Jungkook asked.

He grinned. "Since you came to see me I can only assume that means you want me to suck your blo-" Jungkook didn't get to finish as Lisa's school bag hit him square in the face, knocking him down completely from the force.

Lisa stood up, furious at his words. "If you even TRY to suck Rosie's blood...I'll smash your skill in with my bag!" Lisa threatened.

"But Lili, that's what you just did." Rosie said as she looked at Lisa.

Rosie reached out for Lisa and pulled at her arm. "Calm down Lili, I didn't come here to fight or anything." Rosie said, trying to calm Lisa down before things escalated.

"Huh?" Lisa calmed down and turned to look at Rosie a bit surprised.

"I thought for sure you wanted to get rid of Jungkook." Lisa asked as she looked at Rosie confused.

"No, no." Rosie shook her head.

"Jungkook." she called out as he stayed laying down on the floor, pushing Lisa's bag away from his face. He turned to face her.

"We don't know anything about vampires, and you're the only one we can rely on." Rosie said as she looked at him. "So, please, tell me what I can do to help Lisa." she continued.

Jungkook sat back up to face her properly. "Roseanne, you seem responsible unlike Lisa, so If there's one thing you do just make sure Lalisa doesn't go sucking any other girls' blood. Unless she uses her magic eyes, then it's fine." He explained.

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