Chapter 8: Truth of the Sleeping Lord

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Lisa got home and was heading for the stairs to go to her room when she sees Jungkook sleeping on the stairs.

'Hmm..' thinking if she should walk over him or wake him up.

She decided to let him sleep and just carefully walk over him as to not wake him up.

'I know I told him not to sleep in my room, but sleeping on the stairs? Really?' she thought as she carefully avoided stepping on him, once she succeeded, she carefully made her way up the stairs.

"Lisa." Lisa was startled and turned to look at Jungkook who was awake and looking up at her.

"I can see 'em." he said as she looked at her.

Lisa gritted her teeth with a blush on her face from embarrassment.

Lisa went down two steps and then kicked him.


"Hahhhh..." Lisa was now on her bed, changed into comfy clothes as she put her hands over her eyes.

Jungkook was standing in front of her with a bruised cheek. "What's with the super long sigh?" He asked casually.

"Most of it is because of you." She says, annoyed at him.

Jungkook shrugged. "It's your fault for walking over me." He said.

"Fine, then I'll kick your face to wake you up next time." getting more annoyed at him. "How else am I suppose to go pass you?"

Lisa sighed and let it go. "This is what I get for being nice and trying to not wake you up." She said, then she remembered something. "Wait, huh?"

Lisa looked at Jungkook suspiciously. "Didn't you say vampire's pretty much never need sleep before?"

"Yeah, but not sleeping still wears you out. To be precise, it's not that we never need sleep..." he explains to her. "But that we can keep ourselves awake almost indefinitely."

He walks towards her desk and leans against it. "That said, you still sleep every day even now that you're a vampire right? Out desires as humans still live within us, so in normal circumstances vampires sleep too. "

He shrugs. "It's especially important if you want to live among humans. Gotta keep a similar daily rhythm."

He reached into his jacket and pulled something out and threw it at Lisa who caught it. "Same goes for food. Vampires can create energy and nutrients to survive so it's possible to go long periods of time without eating."

"Ah, chocolate." Lisa opens the wrapper and eats it.

"But doing so means you'll lose a lot of your bodily functions. Worst case you end up paralyzed." he said.

"By the way, vampires sleep better inside coffins!" he grinned.

"Yeah right." Lisa said, not believing him at all.

"I mean, you don't sleep in a coffin. Plus, I've got no desires to trade in my nice bed for some coffin, so it seems pretty unnecessary to me." She said as she pats her bed.

"Wow Lisa, seems like you're getting used to being a vampire."

"It's honestly ridiculous how vampires in fiction are supposed to be weak against crosses but then go and sleep in coffins with crosses on them." He shakes his head.

"Ahh, yeah you're right." Lisa realized he was right about that.

"If you ask me though, " He said as he went closer towards Lisa and leaned in, he ran a finger through Lisa's hair. "I'd rather sleep with you over anything else."

Lisa looked at him, then slapped him in the face.

He turned away surprised from the force. "Hey, I was only asking you to let me use half your bed!" he said, while holding his other bruised cheek.

Lisa glared daggers at him. "Yeah. I know. So I refused accordingly. I mean, what else could you POSSIBLE have meant?"

"Hahhh...Still, I AM forcing you to stay outside my room." Lisa thought out loud.

"There's no space for a bed out there, but we could at least get you a couch." Lisa offered him as he turned to face her.

Lisa stood up and smiled at him, liking her idea. "Jungkook, wanna go shopping for once with me later?"

"Lisa.." Jungkook looked a bit surprised at her offer.

"Going outside in the sun suck sooo much. I'm more nocturnal ya' know?" he said with a tired face.

"Oh, I guess you must really like sleeping on the floor then. Fine with me if that's what you want." she shrugged.
The next morning....

Bambam yawned as he got out his house. 'Man, why are these extra classes so early? They're even earlier than morning practice, so sleepy." He tried to shake off the sleep.

As he was about to start walking when he heard voices next door. '...Hm? Lisa?' He thought.

"You sure leaving early today." Jungkook says, leaning against the outside door.

"Hmm yeah, I'm meeting up with Rosie...gotta apologize." Lisa mumbled the last past to herself.

Jungkook crossed his arms. "Ah, is that the other reason why you were sighing before? Got some problem again?"

"Wow, didn't expect you to remember that." Lisa said as she turned to face him.

"Well you see, I let this other person know I'm a vampire. I mean, that by itself doesn't really matter, but..." Lisa said casually.

"Wait, you did it again? Are you kidding me?" Jungkook said annoyed at the Lisa's confession.

"You know why I'm here right!? To help you hide the fact that you're a vampire!" Jungkook scolded her.

"Please, all you do is read manga all day." Lisa rolled her eyes.

Bambam was leaning against the fence, looking panicked. 'What?! There's a g-guy at Lisa's house!?'

He tried to get closer, 'I can't hear what they're saying..!'

"Hm?" Lisa turned to look towards the fence but saw nothing.

"What's up?" Jungkook said as he stood up and looked at the direction Lisa was looking at.

"It's nothing." Lisa brushed off.

"Anyway, I thought you liked Rosie. What's with this harem you're making..." Jungkook looked at Lisa with disbelief.

"Wha- I don't have a harem!" Lisa was surprised at his words, her cheeks tinting pink.

Bambam kept trying his best to listen. 'Who is that guy!? What Is he to Lisa!?' Bambam was getting annoyed as he saw how close he was to Lisa.

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