The Great Alpha | Chapter 1

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The werewolves ran around, surrounding the white haired girl as she looked around frantically

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The werewolves ran around, surrounding the white haired girl as she looked around frantically. A twig snapped behind her as she turned around to see a girl standing on a boulder above her. The girl's eyes shone a bright yellow, as her necklace glowed blue. She looked up towards the sky and howled loudly. The white haired girl looked terrified, as the were-girl looked back down, before sprinting away.


"Alpha," a werewolf, by the name of Willa, walked up to the same girl who howled in the forest. "Willow, Wyatt has just left to look around this so called Zombietown."

"Perfect, thank you Willa." Willow said, as Willa nodded and walked away.

Willow turned to the young werewolves who had been coughing. She walked around looking at the werewolves, her pack. There were many werewolves frantically walking around, doing their best to take care of the sick. Willow noticed her other friend Wynter standing nearby, and Willow walked over.

"What have you heard?" Wynter asked quietly, as Willow walked up to her.

"The same thing as alway." Willow responded quietly. "Many of the leaders and the were-pups won't make it till next month."

"Gosh, where is this moonstone when we need it, and the Great Alpha." Wynter groaned quietly.

"We'll find it. But right now I'm the Alpha!" Willow snapped quietly. "I'm in charge. The Great Alpha is the least of our worries."

"Yeah, but..." Wynter said, trailing off.

"What?" Willow asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Nothing." Wynter mumbled quietly.

A werewolf ran in, frantically looking around. When he noticed Willow he looked at her and straightened up.

"Alpha, he's back." the werewolf said, and Willow nodded while she made her way out of the den and to the front where many were waiting.

She noticed Willa's brother, Wyatt, making his way through the trees while taking off his disguise. 

"He's back! Wolves!" Willow said, making her way off the rocks and onto the soil.

"Over here!" Wyatt called to the werewolves.

"Come gather!" a werewolf called. 

Wyatt handed his disguise to nearby werewolves, and Willow stood behind him with Willa and Wynter behind her. One werewolf opened a container and pulled out Wyatt's moonstone, and she put it on his neck. Another werewolf painted on Wyatt's face markings, before closing the container and moving away. Wyatt turned around and faced Willow, while snarling.

"What did you find out?" Willow asked.

"They saw you howling, Willow." Wyatt said bitterly.

"So?" Willow said, shaking it off.

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