The Call to the Wild | Chapter 3

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Willow and the wolves walked up the Addison's house, and Willow knocked on her door, while Willa scratched the door

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Willow and the wolves walked up the Addison's house, and Willow knocked on her door, while Willa scratched the door. The wolves then hid around the house, and Addison walked out of the house.Addison continued to stand in the doorway as she looked at the front lawn. She turned around to go inside, but stopped when she saw the claws marks scratched into the door and gasped. She quickly turned and set her hot cocoa down on the lawn chair on her front porch, but when she looked up she saw the wolves standing in front of her on her lawn.

"Come with us." Willow said.

"What's so important?" Addison asked quickly, still being terrified.

"You are." Wyatt said, and Willow rolled her eyes at him.


The wolves, plus Addison, walked through the forest in silence. Addison looked around nervously, as she walked with Wynter and Willa. Wyatt and Willow walked a little bit ahead of them.

"Where are we going?" Addison finally asked, as they neared the wolf den. 

The other wolves continued walking, while Willow, Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter stopped with Addison.

"It's a wolf secret. If we told you, we'd have to kill you." Wynter said, and Addison's eyes widen. Willow and Wyatt gave her a look, and she put her hands to her head. "Too much, too much. I knew it. Sorry." Wynter then put on a smile and threw her arms out wide. "Welcome!" Wynter then looked to Willow for approval, but Willow just stared at her, and Wynter went serious again. "But not too welcome!"

Wynter then hissed, but she was cut off when her necklace turned green and she began coughing. Willow rushed to Wynter's side, and put a hand on Wynter's shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Addison asked, putting her hand on Wynter's other shoulder.

"My necklace is losing its charge." Wynter said sadly.

"Every day, more and more of our pack becomes sick because their moonstones lose their power." Wyatt explained, stepping forward and Willa also stepped forward. 

"All of our elders are to sick to travel, which leaves-" Willa started but Willow cut her off.

"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us." Willow said, before getting in Wyatt and Willa's faces. "To me."

Willow then turned to glance at Wynter.

"You'll be fine, Wynter. I promise." Willow said, before the wolves turned to Wyatt. "you better be right about this."

Wyatt sucked in a deep breathe, before letting it out.

"We need to find the moonstone soon." Willow said, as she nodded for everyone to follow her.

Willa and Wynter did, and Willa put a hand on Wynter's shoulder, but Wyatt stayed back with Addison who was hesitant to follow. Eventually Addison and Wyatt caught up to the group as they walked into the Den.

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