Joining the School | Chapter 2

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The next morning, Wyatt and Willow were crouched in the vent as they looked out. The rest of the wolves were behind them, all silent and not making a sound.  Wyatt and Willow watched as two students ran past them, and Wyatt pushed open the vent when they were gone. Wyatt got out first, with Willow, Willa, Wynter, and the rest of the wolves following him. 

"The Great Alpha's near." Wyatt said, walking a bit from the vent and standing next to a shelf of trophies.

"Focus." Willow told him. "Remember, we're fierce, we're savage."

"We're werewolves!" Wynter exclaimed.

"That's right, Wynter." Willow said, looking to Wynter with a smirk.

"We're scared of nothing." Wynter continued.

"Except silver." Wyatt reminded her.

"Yeah, silver." Wynter said.

"And ticks." Willa added.

"And rabies." Wynter added.

"Come on, if we're quiet, we can be in and out of here before they even know we're here." Wyatt said, and one of the werewolves yelped as he touched a silver trophy.

The werewolf threw it to one another, and they all yelped as they touched the silver part. Wynter than caught it, and she yelped.

"Ah, silver! Oh, pain!" Wynter yelped as she threw the trophy in the air, before holding onto it desperately. "I can take it." Wynter said, continuing to hold onto it, before throwing it up. "No, I can't!"

Wyatt caught the trophy on the part of it that wasn't silver.

"Nice grab." Willow told Wyatt, before turning to the werewolves and nodding her head down the hallway. "Come on."

The werewolves walked away as Wyatt carefully set the trophy down on the shelf next to him. He ran to catch up with the group. The werewolves looked through the windows on the doors, as they watched what looked to be an assembly going on in the cafeteria. There were zombies and humans cheering for a zombie on the stage. They noticed the zombie on the stage look over to them, and he screamed and pointed at them. The werewolves busted through the doors, as Willow looked around for the Great Alpha, and people screamed all around her. Her eyes landed on the same white haired girl from the forests and Willow pointed to the girl.

"There she is!" Willow exclaimed, as the werewolves ran towards the girl.

"Football Team!" The zombie on the podium called, "Defense, Z 24." 

Then a bunch of guys moved in front of the girl, as they all yelled things to each other.

"Where's the moonstone, white hair?" Willow asked.

"I think you've got the wrong person." the girl said, terrified.

The two zombies on the podium were talking to each other, and Wynter stepped up.

"Our razor sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood." Wynter said threateningly, and the werewolves gave her a look. Wynter looked at them. "Too much?"

"Wolves!" Willow called, and the werewolves, except Wyatt, showed their fangs and claws. "On my command!"

"Willow." Wyatt said softly, moving to stand next to her. "We can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert." 

Willow looked into Wyatt's eyes, before groaning and going back to normal.

"I hate it when you're right." Willow said, and she turned to look at the wolves. "Wolves, stand down." Willow then stepped forward and put on a fake smile. "Okay. Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town, and we just came her to join your school."

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