Crashing Prawn | Chapter 5

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"What's that?" Bucky asked

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"What's that?" Bucky asked.

"It's zombies!" Tracey said.

"And werewolves." Jacey said.

"In formal wear?" Stacey asked.

The werewolves and zombies walked towards the high school, with Zed, Willow, Eliza, and Wyatt leading them.

"They look good." Lacey said, and the two Aceys gave her a look. Bucky walked up to the nearing werewolves and zombies.

"You guys can't be here. There are laws against this." Bucky told them.

"Bad laws are meant to be broken." Zed said with a smirk.

"And monsters don't follow the rules." Willow said with a smirk of her own.

"Zombies are a part of Seabrook, Bucky. And we deserve to be here." Eliza said.

"We're a part of Seabrook, too. The originals, in fact." Wyatt said as Willow sent him a smirk.

Bucky shook his head and eyed the Z-Alarm.

"Someone's gotta stop you." Bucky said, and he leaped for the alarm but Willow snarled at him and he looked at her with wide eyes. "Welcome to Prawn."

Willow started coughing as she put a hand on her chest. Wyatt rushed up to hold her up right and he held her. The werewolves and zombies walked in and Willow and Wyatt followed them in. The group walked into Prawn and there were murmurs of disagreement. Willow lead the wolves over to a table as she held Wyatt's and Willa's hands. Willa sat on the table, while Wyatt and Willow sat on two chairs. Being completely drained, Willow laid her head on Willa's stomach, and Wyatt held her hand for reasurance. The wolves watched as Bonzo went up to Bree, and asked her to be his date to Prawn, and Zed held Addison close as they lead a slow dance. Moments later, the ground shook and the werewolves all stood up while they held onto each other.

"Come on!" Willow yelled over the chaos.

Willow lead the group of werewolves and zombies with her, and Addison and Zed joined her. The hallways split into two as a fault line formed. Addison, Zed, Eliza, Bonzo, Bree, and the zombies stood on one side, while the werewolves stood on the other. A blue glow radiated out of the fault line. 

"The energy from the moonstone must've created the fault line." Zed said, and Wynter shot him a confused look.

"What?" Wynter asked.

"If we follow this crack, it may lead us to the moonstone." Willow went on to explain.

"So it's only buried and not destroyed." Addison confirmed.

"We have to get it." Willa said, and Willow stepped forward towards the crack.

"Quickly, while we still can." Willow said, jumping into the crack with Willa following her actions. Wyatt and Wynter shared a look before following their friends with the rest of the werewolves. Willow walked through the cave nervously. "It's this way. I see the light. It's coming from Seabrook Power" Willow ran through the cave, and the werewolves followed her. She walked into an opening and gasped when she saw the moonstone. "Here it is!" Willow said with a smile on her face. The werewolves crowded around as they took off their moonstones and put it on the moonstone. They all snarled and growled as energy coursed through their veins. The ground shook as rocks fell from the ceiling.

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