phone call

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Same day at lunch

Both yeonjun and soobin were walking towards cafeteria, they took their meal and went in the direction of their seat but there they saw hyuka , tae and gyu sitting together.

Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrow, he was confused and annoyed due to gyu's presence . He wanted to eat in peace but guess what peace isn't in his life .

" What are you doing here" yeonjun asked coldly.

" As long as i can see i am sitting here with two of my friends and another one just came so now i am going to have lunch " gyu said as matter of fact .

" Tae , he is your friend huh!? Since when " jun asked taehyun.

" Yes he is " tae said.

" Oh that's good " jun said teasingly. Soobin understood why jun was acting like this so he also decided to tease tae a bit .

" Are you two sure that you are just friends" bin asked both of them, a lil tint of red was decorated on both of their cheeks .

" Yes o-ofcourse we are friends only " tae said immediately. Yeonbin and hyuka just shook their head .

Yeonjun was having an uneasy feeling but he assumed it was just because of the presence of gyu since he don't like him .

Rest of time just passed by kai and gyu bickering, yeonbin doing couples shit without being one and tae just done with all of them .


Now all of them were walking out from college .

"  Beomgyu hyung " tae said and beomgyu hummed .

" Wanna go to cafe or somewhere " tae asked.

" Why , Don't tell me you are taking me out on date. " Beomgyu teased .

" N-no j-just f-friendly o-one , why do you want to on one with me huh!? " Tae said smirking.

Now it was time for beomgyu to be embarrassed.

" No why would i " beomgyu said , taehyun chuckled.

" Let's go " they both exclaimed.

Three person were watching their interactions they were smiling because of their increasing closeness.

" So what are you two going to do " hyuka asked, jun and bin looked at eachother and smiled they knew what that meant . Hyuka sighed.

" We are going home " jun announced .

" Oh my god why am i here to suffer , nvm i will just go home and cuddle with my plushie you all are meanies " hyuka stated and left .

Both yeonjun and soobin reached home.

" So now what " soobin asked .

" I am going to take shower " yeonjun said .

" Okay then i will also take shower and then we can eat something " soobin said

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