Volume 1 Chapter 1: Life Without Purpose?

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Previously: She sprinted towards the huge group of heroes with a lifeless look in her eyes. She screamed out to her boss. "I'll stall them, take Eri and run Boss!" Pink petals spiraled around her body and her appearance changed drastically to something more demonic. "If you want to get Eri and my boss. You'll have to go through me, damned heroes!"

Her body was sent flying into one of the many walls. Her body was being restricted by a strange gray scarf. She recognized the pro hero and decided to change back to her natural state. She's not a fan of fighting and causing harm to those who don't deserve it. She heard that he's one of the real ones. And this gig is a job. Not a way of life. To be honest, she would rather be anywhere but in this complex. But no other place would take her as an employee. Society literally gave her now a choice but to mingle with scumbags and killers. 

It's a shame really. She has so many talents and abilities that could change the course of history. Her intelligence is above average and she has an entire different anatomy compared to anyone around her.

She was escorted out of the complex in handcuffs. The police and other Heroes glared daggers into the back of her head. She was labeled as a threat to society since the day she was born. She was used to hatred in people's eyes whenever they looked her way. She's not numb to the pain but she's just used to the suffering.

She thought that she would feel relieved to be caught and thrown in jail. But she just felt even more empty than before. Everything was predictable. Her life was nothing but painful filler. There was no meaningful substance. No plot or anything to look forward to.

As she sat there in a white room with a one way mirror. Her body was fully relaxed. There was no reason to freak out or be upset. She knew what was coming. She closed her eyes as she leaned back with her hands behind her. They were still in handcuffs.

The door swung open with the same pro hero from before leading the charge of the interview. He slammed his hands on the metallic table. He was demanding her to speak about all sorts of things. She opened her eyes and lowered her head to make eye contact. She looked into an equally tired pair of eyes. "There's no point in raising your voice, Mister Hero. I truly don't know much of anything the boss did. I was just tasked to stand by his side and look tough. I wasn't paid to listen or think for myself." "That's bullshit!" A familiar face stormed into the room with a menacing look in his eyes. He was the infamous flame hero Endeavour. She just stared at him half asleep. "It's the truth. The fact that you can't tell if I'm telling the truth or not. Is pretty pathetic on your part. I thought you were a professional? Or are you just high in rank because of your brute strength and violent mannerisms?" "You son of bitch!" He went to use his quirk but Aizawa erased it. "You're right about one thing, for once. My mother was in fact a bitch. She abandoned me when I was just 8 years old." She yawned softly. "But who cares about the past of a criminal? Or am I wrong?" Endeavour growled deeply. Meanwhile Aizawa was staring at her with surprise.

"This entire situation sucks for both parties involved. More so the heroes. Because you have no idea what you arrested." She stood up free from her cuffs. They both took a step back in surprise. She shook her hands and casually jumped out of the way of a flaming punch. She landed gracefully on the table with her hands in her pockets. "I have no interest in anything annoying. Especially things that are dull and boring. Things like this conversation." She looked ahead at the shiny window. Her third eye opened and she saw through the glass. "The principal of the special hero school, Nezu? The police commissioner, who's a dog? And the retired All Might. What a strange audience? How come I wasn't accepted into society with demon traits. Meanwhile a literal talking dog and a mouse, can be in positions of power? This dumb society makes no sense." She shook her head feeling lost for words. Endeavour tried his hardest to turn her to ash but her cherry petals got in his way every time. They were acting as a shield to protect her from harm. She glanced down at the erasure hero with her third eye now closed. She looked bored beyond her years. "I wish I knew that a man of your caliber existed in this cruel and unforgivable world beforehand. You really seem like you care about the youth. Including the mutant quirk holders, like me. Don't change, it's because people like you. That gives us mutants hope for coexistence." He received a slight smile of genuine honesty. She looked up at the air vent. "It seems like this world isn't filled with total corruption. Amongst the egotistical assholes, resides a truly honest man." She turned into petals and flew up into the air vent. She landed gracefully on the rooftop with her hands resting in her pockets.

She stepped up to the ledge feeling empty and lost. "I guess this is it? I have nothing to live for. That last gig was my final option for peace. I have nothing left to do or nowhere to go." She shed no tears. She had no energy to spare. She inched closer towards the edge. "Even living is a bore. I rather just die." She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply as she leaned forward.

Her body hit the concrete but something otherworldly pulled her soul into an inky black portal. She just chalked it up to her soul being yanked into hell or something. She was half correct. Her human part of her soul died and she was now a full fledged Demon?

She awakened feeling strangely lightweight and more relaxed than usual. "What? Where am I?" She looked around only to see she was in a very large bed and located in some sort of old-fashioned Victorian bedroom.  "My darling granddaughter!" "Huh? Is this some kind of joke?" "Not at all, you are my son's long lost daughter! You died but he set it up for whenever you died in the human world. You would wake up here in your demon body. It's been sleeping soundly for quite some time. For a few hundred years or so." "Hundred!?" "Indeed!" She looked down at her body and saw at her subtle difference off the bat.

She reached up and felt her face and head. She had horns, sharp teeth, among other new features, which included a tail. "This can't be happening? Are you saying that this entire time I've been a demon?" He nodded his head as he pointed out his own horns. "You are no longer the only one who is strange. You are finally home. My lovely granddaughter!" She began to shake violently as tears of relief fell from her emerald crystal eyes. "The place I've been waiting for has arrived. I'm no longer considered a freak. I'm not a monster either. I'm just like everyone. I have a place to belong?" She bit her lip to try and regain her composure. But eventually she smiled widely as she said bluntly,"I want to learn everything about this mysterious new world. Please inform me, Gramps?" He smiled happily as he opened his mouth.

And so her new life begins in the netherworld. As a full fledged Demon with a new goal to work towards. Is it to become the next demon king? Nope. She just wants to live a laid back life. But knowing that she has a little human brother now. In order to keep her relaxed way of living in the future. She's determined to make him the next demon king. It might be a pain or a bore. But this might just bring exciting and new opportunities of fun her way.

To be continued

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