Ambush of the Enemy

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     Once Reiner and Bertolt were both discovered from their hiding places, the battle for Shiganshina District was on. The whole squad was actually ready to go stop Reiner and Bertolt once and for all. Even Izuku and Katsuki were ready to save Shiganshina and reclaim Wall Maria. It wasn't looking too good though. Eren did everything he could to hold him back, but Reiner pushed him against the wall. Katsuki saw this and got worried about him.

Katsuki: "Eren, you gonna be alright!?"

     Eren nodded his head in agreement and Katsuki felt relieved.

Katsuki: "Thank God!"

Izuku: "Eren, see if you can scream to get Bertolt's attention! Maybe that'll slow him down!"

     Eren then let out a serious Titan roar to distract Bertolt and catch his attention.

Katsuki: "He heard ya."

     However, it didn't work and he just kept moving towards the wall.

Katsuki: "What the hell!? It didn't work! The bastard's still heading for the wall!"

Izuku: "Damnit! C'mon, we gotta stop him!"

     Just then, everyone moved forward and Connie starts getting worried along with Sasha.

Connie: "Hold on! Do we actually have a plan for this!?"

Sasha: "With that steam he puts out, he can make our ODM gear useless! It won't connect!"

Jean: "You think I don't know that!? I'm well aware, but we have to give it a try!"

Izuku: "He's right! My biggest concern is how can we take Bertolt down without creating another blast of heat!"

Mikasa: "Katsuki and I can kill him! You just focus on keeping him distracted! Armin, Zuki, give us the rest of your thunder spears!"

Armin: "Right!"

Izuku: "Here you go, Mika!"

Katsuki: "Alright, guys, let's do this shit!"

     All of them then went separate ways to keep Bertolt distracted, and catch him by surprise. However, it backfired and he released a lot of steam that made even the thunder spears ineffective.

Izuku: "Did you guys see that!?"

Katsuki: "Damnit! There's gotta be a way we can take him and Reiner down!"

Armin: "I think I've got an idea! Me, Katsuki, and Zuki will go help Eren with Bertolt! The rest of you take down Reiner, and don't let him get away!"

All: "Right!"

     Once everyone agreed with the plan, Katsuki and Izuku left with Eren and Armin to deal with Bertolt. Meanwhile, Jean, Mikasa, Connie, and Sasha were busy trying to take down Reiner. Once the 4 boys got closer to him, Eren pushed Bertolt's Colossal Titan leg as hard as he can. However, it only got him kicked away to the top of the wall. That action got Katsuki, Izuku, and Armin worried about him.

K+I+A: "EREN!!"

Katsuki: "That's it! You're gonna regret that, Bertolt!"

     Meanwhile, the rest of the squad was trying to defeat Reiner with the thunder spears they have left. So far, the plan was going well.

Jean: "(First, I act as bait; Connie and Sasha will follow behind me with 2 of the remaining thunder spears, and aim them for Reiner's jaw on both sides.)"

     Both Connie and Sasha then used their thunder spears to aim for Reiner's jaw on both sides. 1 of them worked, but the other missed and knocked Sasha out unconscious. This got Connie scared for her.

Connie: "Jean, Sasha's hurt!"

     Mikasa saw that 1 of the thunder spears missed, and noticed that the right jawline wasn't opened. This got her concerned when she remembered the last part of Jean's plan.

Jean: "(If we blow up his jaw, that should leave Reiner's mouth wide open! Mikasa should be able to aim the last thunder spear at his nape from inside the mouth!)"

     She knew the right side wasn't wide enough and hesitated. However, Mikasa was willing to risk her chance of using the last thunder spear on Reiner.

Mikasa: "(It's not open; Doesn't matter! I have to try anyway!)"

     Before she could try, Connie stopped her for a quick moment.


?????: "NO, IT'S PERFECT!"

     Just then, Hanji was still alive and came around to help by using her thunder spear, and blowing up Reiner's right jawline.


     This gave Mikasa the perfect opportunity to make her way over to Reiner, and aimed her thunder spear for his nape from inside.

Mikasa: "Reiner... IT'S OVER!!"

     She then unleashed it, and quickly got away from Reiner before the thunder spear blew him out of his Titan body. Once he was out, they secured him and prevented him from running off. 2 hours passed by, and the battle was over. The Scouts won, but they lost many people during all of it. Bertolt was defeated by the 4 boys, but Armin risked his own life to help them get the upper hand. Once they regrouped near the wall, Eren was dragging Bertolt's real body across the roof. Izuku and Katsuki saw him, and felt surprised by what he did.

Katsuki: "You sneaky bastard; You pretended to be unconscious so that you could harden your Titan form and sneak up behind Bertolt, didn't you?"

Eren: "Well, it was Armin's idea; Honestly, I had no idea that he would risk his life like this."

Katsuki: "Same here; Armin's a lot of things, but he never runs from a fight when it comes to helping his friends."

Izuku: " but, what do we do now? Without Armin, how can we go on? Not only that, but what are we gonna tell Mikasa and the others if they see him like this?"

     They all then looked over, and saw Armin's body completely burnt to a crisp. Izuku was crying nonstop while Katsuki and Eren felt depressed about his sacrifice. The special childhood friend that they all grew up with risked his own life to save the 3 of them and the rest of their friends as well as the Scouts. What will the 3 boys tell Mikasa and the others once they all find out about Armin's sacrifice? What will soon happen to them later on? Is Armin really dead or just unconscious and trying to wake up after the battle of Shiganshina? Only time will tell for certain.
To be continued...

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