֍CHAPTER 3: Instant Attraction

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William looked around to see if there was anyone that would catch his interest but so far, as the night progressed, he felt like he would go home disappointed. There were a few guys who came to him with expectations but he ignored them all. He has a peculiar taste when it comes to sex. So for now, he killed the time by talking to the bartender who happened to be one of his highschool's buddies. "So, Blue, what happened last week? I heard there was a commotion," William asked, showing little interest in the subject but he was nonetheless curious.

"Oh. It's one of the customers tried to rape one of our bartenders," Blue informed.

William's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect the event to be like that. Usually, when the police were involved, it was just for cases of battery or hate crimes against gays but this time, it was not simply sexual harrassment. It was attempted rape. "What the fuck?! Who was it that got harassed this time?" William asked, being very much invested this time.

Blue sighed before saying; "It's Cherry. The pretty one. " All the bartenders here were given nicknames after fruits in order to hide their real names to avoid harassment since there were some cases of harassment before. For example, Blue is actually short for 'blueberry'. His real name is Andrew. But at the bar, William had to call him 'Blue'.

William tried to picture what Cherry looked like. Once he remembered his face, he felt like his head had been poured by cold water. Yeah, Cherry has a delicate face and features. The kind even he himself would go after. So, he commented; "Ah... people would just go crazy over a face like that. No wonder. What happened to that piece of shit who harassed him though?"

"Arrested, of course. But Cherry was really traumatised. So, he quit the next day."

"Ah damn. What a shame. He was good at making drinks too. Better than you do," Wiliam started to tease with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Fuck you, William. Is he your friend or am I your friend, huh?" Andrew pretended to feel offended.

"Hahahaha!" William laughed heartily at Andrew's reaction. "You know I always sided with the pretty ones," he added salt to Andrew's injury with what he said next.

"You fucker. Now that's two insults. One was that I'm bad at making drinks and the other was that I'm ugly?!"

"Hahaha. I didn't say that. You said it yourself. Haha."

"You really know how to annoy me. Anyway, you know, that guy who got arrested. I heard he was already married with three kids! Can you imagine? What a piece of trash!"

"What the fuck... But really... All men are beasts," William spoke nonchalantly. He sure hoped that there shouldn't be a lot of people who had gone through what he had gone through in life. But for him to say this nonchalantly was because he knew damn well how much of a beast a man could become when he found a reason to become one. He knew it damn too well.

"You do realise that you're a man too, right?" Andrew sneered at him.

"Hell, yes. I am also a beast. In my own way, of course," William admitted jokingly. But deep inside, he also knew damn well how much of a beast he himself had become. He sipped on his glass to numb his empty heart. As the alcohol burned his throat, he suddenly felt like he was being watched by someone. He turned to look at the other side of a bar and caught someone looking at him. The man was very tall. No. Not a man. A boy. A very beautiful-looking boy. He couldn't quite make out the colour of his eyes but it should be quite dark. His hair was not too dark in colour. It could be brown or dark blond. But he has such fair skin that even the dim light couldn't hide.

William thought to himself that the boy should be much younger than himself. A freshie, it seemed. He looked innocent and shy. The moment William noticed him looking, the boy turned his face away and his face was flushed red in embarrassment. William smiled to himself. A freshie, innocent, young, and shy. Just the way he liked it. He suddenly felt an instant attraction towards that tall boy. The boy couldn't help himself and still tried to steal glances towards William but immediately panicked when he noticed that William was staring at him with a sly smile on his face. He seemed to muster up his courage to return the gaze. As he returned the gaze, he formed a shy dimpled smile on his face. He lifted up his glass towards William as if to toast to him from afar. William returned the meaningless toast before lifting up his index finger and swayed it to call him over. The shy boy accidentally spurted the drink he had in his mouth in surprise. It caused William to grin and chuckled a little amusedly.

"Hey Blue, who's that? Is he a regular?" William asked Andrew in order to get some intel.

Andrew turned his head to look at the boy and was surprised at seeing such a delicate-looking fellow. "It's his first time here. I can pretty much tell he's into you," Andrew laughed. No one could not notice such direct but shy and innocent-looking glances as a sign of attraction.

"Tell him to come here. I'll buy him a drink," William said excitedly. Such a beautiful-looking boy should be his prey for the night.


Next update: 2023/05/26

*Author's Note: You guys should already know who this tall boy is by now, shouldn't you? -K

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