֍CHAPTER 17: The Body

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Marcus' monologue:

I know I shouldn't be laughing. But Stepan's pale face was really comical to look at. Me and Kirill both were aware of his fear of the darkness. Just the fact that he was willing to enter the haunted house with us proved enough of how much Kirill meant for him. He stuck close to Kirill at all times. He was like a buoy that could prevent him from drowning. Kirill must be amusing him in his head at the moment. Yeah. I really shouldn't laugh. Stepan's going to kill me.

On my side, William was looking as excited as Kirill. Everytime a scare-actor came out for jumpscare from a dark corner, he would laugh excitedly. I like looking at him smiling. He's so beautiful. Even the darkness couldn't hinder him away from looking so beautiful. He was holding my hand throughout the walk in the dark.

I have this crazy thought in my head that I want to keep him by my side in the dark like this where no one else can see him and he can't run from me. One of Stepan's friend cut off the legs of the person he loves. Should I also do the same? I am tempted. But I love William's legs. Especially when they're up on my shoulders as I was fucking him. I love that position the most. I got to see all his expressions and I was in control of his lust. That was the best position.

We reached the exit sooner than expected. That was such a short but fun experience. However, what we all saw next was perplexing and horrifying.

William's monologue:

Haunted houses are quite predictable. Darkness, creepy background music, scary props, and jump scares. Nothing's new. Except when we got out of the haunted house, we were greeted by scattered body parts. Well, that's still not anything out of the ordinary. Even props could be made to look real-life. But what's unsettling for me was that the severed hands were holding onto my novel. That was the first book of my trilogy; 'I am a Monster'.

I took a look closer curiously. And that was when I felt numb all over my body and the world seemed to drown out of sound as I looked at the face of the severed head closely. That was no prop. It was impossible for it to be a mere prop. I knew that face well. My legs got weak. But I was luckily held by Marcus in his arms to avoid me from falling. I couldn't make out what happened after that. When I finally came to my senses, I was already at the Krasniy police station.

I didn't know who called the police and how we got here. I'm sure we drove here though. I think I told them that I knew him. The dead body belonged to my ex boyfriend; Kevin Richardson.

Marcus' monologue:

I knew those body parts were real the moment I saw it and smelled it. I was too familiar with them. I didn't expect normal people would notice it though. Kirill, who I associated with being one of the normal people, only looked amazed at how cool the body parts were. He must've thought that they were props. Stepan, like me, knew it right away too. We looked at each other and had a tacit agreement to call the authorities. Stepan got on his phone immediately asking Maxim to bring the cops over. When I turned to look at William, I saw him looking pale. He would've fallen down to his knees if it weren't for me holding him in my arms. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He didn't answer me at first. He was only quiet and remained in a state of shock for a while before finally muttering; "I know him...," he said. "I know him," he repeated this over and over. I held him in my arms and turned him around so that he won't have to face the scene anymore. He kept muttering the same words while being in some sort of a trance. It was as if his soul had left his body. I felt uncomfortable looking at him like this. There was a knot in my stomach. I feel angry and provoked. Whoever did this 'display', must be aiming it for William.

William's monologue:

A phone call broke me apart from my jumbled up thoughts. I answered it without looking at the caller ID. The voice of my editor, Miss Gretchen, blared through the speaker. "William? Are you alright?!" was her first question. Before I could answer her amidst my confusion, she continued talking. That damn habit of hers won't stop her from talking. And the more I heard her, the more I'm convinced that I am in deep trouble. "Thank God you're alive. Th-there was a body, William. There was a body! They found mutilated body parts here in the basement of our office! Mutilated body parts! Oh my God! Your book was among them. They found your novel 'You are a Monster' along with the body parts. I called you because I was so scared that you were harmed. Are you okay?" She went on and on. But I trembled all over. That was the second book to my trilogy. What the hell is going on? "William? William?!"

I cleared my dry throat by gulping down a few mouthfuls of saliva before responding to her. "I'm here. I'm okay. Um..." I didn't know what to say for a moment and Miss Gretchen was also silent on the other end. Something so sinister could even silence the poor girl, huh? "Did they identify the body yet?" I asked.

"I haven't been told of anything yet. I'm just glad you're okay. Where are you right now? Still at the resort?"

"Um...," how should I explain this to her, really? "Actually, I'm at the police station," I informed. I need to calm down and organise my thoughts. It's okay. I can do this.

"What?! Why are you there?! What happened?!"

"There was another body here. Please connect the police over there to the police station in Krasniy. I think they could be related. And...," I hesitated before saying my next guess. "I think these were aimed at me."


Next update: 2023.11.03

*Author's Note: Just as this gets exciting, I would like to apologise to you guys that I'm taking a 2 to 3 weeks break this time. I;m really sorry. I needed to focus on submitting my work at my Uni and I've been procrastinating. Sorry for this. By the way, I've been a scare-actor once in a haunted house and I've also acted as a zombie in a theatre performance.🤣 -K

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