֍CHAPTER 4: Fooled

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Andrew smiled to himself once he heard him. He understood William's philanderous heart very much and that boy appeared to really be the type William would chase after. So, with his good intentions to help his friend, he went over to the other side and talked to the boy. The boy immediately stood up in surprise and accidentally hit his head on one of the hanging decorations above his head. William, who saw this, laughed aloud amusedly. The boy rubbed his head embarrassedly and walked over towards William step by step. When he reached his side, only then did William notice how tall the boy really is. He should be about 190cm tall. William thought to himself enviously that kids these days really grow well. He ordered a drink for the boy as he sat next to him.

"Must be a hassle to be so tall," William commented. The boy only smiled at him in reply. This time, William got to make out the colour of his eyes. They are dark blue in colour with slight violet hues. They are like two sapphire gemstones shining beautifully under the dim light. His dimples were visible when he smiled, adding charm to his fair skin and beautiful blue eyes. William couldn't help but think to himself that this boy was such a catch. "I noticed you were looking my way," William started to flirt as his friend, Andrew, knowingly moved to entertain other guests at the bar to allow them some privacy after placing a drink for the boy.

The boy blushed again. He blushed all the way up to his ears. Very cute, William thought to himself. "I'm sorry. Was I too obvious?" The boy asked shyly. His voice sounded extremely gentle and soft. To William, this is the epitome of sexiness. He could almost imagine the sounds this boy would make in bed.

William only laughed at his response. It was a hearty laughter. It didn't sound condescending at all. Thus, it made the boy feel a bit at ease. "Well, you're tall and handsome. That's a plus. If you look less than this, I would've found it creepy," William flirted openly.

The boy laughed shyly, thinking that William was joking. "Really?" He asked.

William only grinned in answer. His eyes became smaller in the process. It made him look really cute and innocent but of course, William was never innocent. It was a big problem for anyone who would fall for his pretty face and unique temperament. What was it again that people would normally call him once they got to know the real him? Oh! A freak! Yes, they were right about that but they should only blame themselves for falling for lies in the first place. "Well, blame it on the capitalist. The media. The society. They inculcate us with what's normal. People are easily fooled by beautiful things," William spoke eloquently.

"Then I'm glad for once that my face is to your liking," the boy said.

"Hmm... So, is there any other part of you that would be to my liking?" William flirted even more in response to the boy's answer, signalling with his eyes as he eyed him up and down.

The boy looked back at him in surprise at first, appearing to immediately understand the hidden meaning in William's question. At that moment, William had an illusion as if their minds had somehow synchronised. The boy then blushed and turned to focus on the glass of his drink shyly. William waited for his answer patiently, enjoying the view of the boy's red and shy face. "I don't know if you'll like it. As you said, the society, they have decided for us what's normal and what's not," the boy answered in a calm tone.

William was instantly intrigued by the answer. "Hey, I like it if it's abnormal," he said. No one had ever intrigue him this way before that it made him feel like he could be himself with this boy. His real self, that is. There should be no restriction on how he should behave or think.

The boy was hesitant before saying; "Hmm. Th-then... do you...-"

"-There's a hotel nearby. Wanna go?" William interrupted the conversation. He couldn't wait anymore. He wanted to strip this boy off of his clothes and see what's hidden inside. He didn't even care if it would disappoint him.


William is a switch so he doesn't mind being a top or bottom but he needed to know his partner's preferences first. As soon as they got to the nearby hotel, William opened his mouth to ask their positions in bed; "So, are you top or bott- mmmphh!!!" But before he could even finish his sentence, William was pushed face down to the bed and his mouth was sealed by one of the younger boy's hands. Both of his hands were caught in a deadlock by the boy's other hand. William immediately felt afraid. Was he about to be assaulted?!


Next update: 2023/06/02

*Author's Note: What do you guys think will happen? -K

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