Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Victory

  The burning Emperor's Sword slashed down on the head, and the demon subconsciously raised the weapon in his hand, trying to block it, but the weapon was chopped off on the spot, and an arm burning with **** flames was chopped off.

  Even if they were human beings before, after being favored by the evil gods and becoming a demon, they will receive unimaginable blessings, possessing terrifying power and body that ordinary people can not match.

  Guilliman didn't know how many human planets this guy had slaughtered in the past ten thousand years, and how many skulls he had contributed to the blood **** Khorne, so that Khorne could favor him and promote him from a human to a subspace demon.

  No matter how many Star Militia troops are formed by ordinary people, it is difficult to defeat a traitor who has ascended to the devil.

  The interstellar warrior, known as the emperor's angel, also needs the help of a think tank with psychic powers to kill a demon.

  Among the many troops in the empire, only the gray knights who specialize in dealing with demons are dispatched, and the battle loss ratio is not so terrible.

  The horror of the great demon is unimaginable. The powerful Tzeentch demon can even affect the entire galaxy and extinguish the stars.

   Any planet with this level of demons can basically approve the extermination order.

  The extermination order means that the imperial navy uses weapons such as cyclone torpedoes and light spears to physically overshoot the irreparable planet, and the bombing will stop until there is not even a blade of grass on the surface of the planet.

   It is conceivable that the great demon of the subspace is powerful and terrifying.

  Even the saints with the power of the emperor must be prepared. Otherwise, they may capsize.

   But in front of Guilliman, a subspace demon is so weak that it is not enough to look at.

  With just one blow, he cut off the opponent's arm and used the holy power of the Emperor's Sword to severely wound the opponent.

  No matter how the devil roared, he couldn't redeem the fact that his weapon and arm were cut off by a sword.

  The demon's yellow-brown pupils were full of disbelief, and he was hit hard by the opponent with one blow, which made him a little suspicious of life.

   Is this guy in front of him really asleep for ten thousand years and just woke up?

  Even if the Primarch is scary, it shouldn't be so scary, right?

He is an old antique who experienced the Great Crusade 10,000 years ago. Later, Angron, the father of his genes, rebelled against the empire and surrendered to the Chaos Gods. The other warbands fled to the Eye of Terror.

  Even in the past ten thousand years, he has never been in contact with the Primarch who has ascended to the devil, nor has he fought the Primarch who is loyal to the empire.

   But his memory is not wrong.

  The Primarch 10,000 years ago didn't have the power to hit the Warp Demon with a single blow.

  Celistine, Amarici, and the others were also shocked by Guilliman's performance.

  Even if they are mentally prepared, after all, they are the emperor's sons and daughters, and it is normal to have powerful power, but this scene is too terrifying!

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