Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Guilliman who can't afford to lose

  Guilliman's voice was not loud, but it possessed a special magical power, which penetrated the crowd and made the cheering crowd even more excited.

  The ragged, devout fanatics of the state religion were so excited that they knelt down on their knees, singing poems praising the emperor.

  He has not forgotten mankind and revived his parents and children to help mankind get rid of this dark and terrifying world and welcome a new and hopeful future.

  Some believers couldn't help crying. They took out whips with electric currents and slapped their bodies, making themselves suffer more pain to express their devotion to the emperor.

   "Look at him, child. He is the glory of mankind, the salvation of mankind." A woman held up her child, who was only a few months old, and asked him to remember the figure in azure power armor.

   "Long live the Emperor, long live Guilliman." No one knew who yelled first.

   "Long live the Emperor, long live Guilliman." More people followed suit.

   "Long live the Emperor, long live Guilliman."

   At the back, everyone is shouting, and soldiers and civilians are cheering.

  A parent and son of the Emperor, a Primarch who swore to save them, made their hearts extremely excited.

  Guilliman also clicked his tongue. The power of human faith on the ruling template is rapidly increasing.

  He also felt an invisible force pouring into his body, making him stronger.

   There is even a sense of illusion. Just like the big monster just now, he can fight ten of them.

   It's just the blessing of the Macragge Starfield. What kind of scene would it be if it got the blessing of the entire empire's human beings.

  Guilliman suddenly felt that fighting against evil gods was very interesting.

  I have to work hard, strive to punch the blood **** reckless man, kick the Slaanesh monster as soon as possible, dominate the world, dominate the situation, dominate the Warhammer universe, and then dominate the multiverse, open a way home, and stage a scene of the return of the **** of war.

   The battle was over, and Guilliman entered the inner city of Macragge under the protection of the Ultramarines.

  The streets along the way are full of people from all over the world.

  The shattered star port with rising black smoke and the continuous landing of aircraft all came for him.

  When these people looked at Guilliman, their eyes were red. If he glanced at them, they would be so excited that they would cry and shout names such as Long live Guilliman.

   Guilliman looked at these people. They should all be considered fanatics. It would not be difficult for them to die for themselves.

  Great Sage of the Mechanic Cult, Calgar, and Chapter Leader Calgar followed Guilliman,

  Guilliman's successful recovery indicates that mankind has a glimmer of hope in this dark and hopeless universe.

  This pleased the Mechanic Sage, who spent thousands of years traveling all over the galaxy to collect various technologies for Guilliman's resurrection.

  All the hard work has finally paid off, and the galaxy will enter a new era.

  Guilliman came back from recovery, still adhering to his mission, fighting for mankind and the emperor.

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