Chapter 18

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I walk out of his cabin and make my way towards mine

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I walk out of his cabin and make my way towards mine. I'm so frustrated but I can't do anything. I need to do this on my own. While I was walking to my cabin, I saw Vishal standing near my cabin talking to my team.

"Oh hey, Anika. Nice designs back there. How did you like ours?" He smirked.

"They were good Vishal. But next time it would be really good if you actually presented your designs and not someone else's." I passed him a tight lipped smile even though all I wanted to do was smack him.

"What are you talking about? They were our designs, we did not steal anyone's designs." He huffed with a smug expression.

"I never said that. You yourself said that don't put words in my mouth." I looked at him dead in the and moved towards him. "You might think you win this round Vishal but remember I won't let you off the hook so easily." He was about to say something when we heard someone calling me.

"Mrs. Raichand?" A delivery boy was standing at the entrance of the floor with a big bouquet of flowers

"She's here. Are those for her?" Atul asked excitedly and moved towards the guy. When the delivery guy nodded Atul ushered him in. "Come she's there, give them to her."

The guy came to me and handed me the flowers. They were my favourite pink and white peonies. "Who are these from?" I asked, confused, I took the bouquet and signed the paper he gave me.

"Mr. Kartavya Raichand." I gave him back his papers and the boy went back. A smile automatically formed on face hearing his name.

"Oh, ho. Wow Anika ma'am. These are so beautiful. Are these from your husband?" I nodded looking at the flowers.

"Ma'am you're so lucky your husband sent you such beautiful flowers." Kruthi said, sighing dreamily, Vishal scoffed and went back to his cabin.

"What's his problem?" Atul snapped.

"Let it go. I'm going inside. Get back to work we will discuss what happened this morning later." I entered my cabin and my smile returned looking at the flowers. Placing the flowers on my desk I took out the note it had.


You know for the first time I was distracted in a meeting and wasn't paying attention at all and that was an important meeting. And you know who is the cause of me being distracted, you. All I've been thinking about since we parted ways in the morning is you, the way you feel in my arms, the way you tasted when I kissed you, the way your lips felt pressed against mine. I can't wait till I pick up in the evening. I miss you.

Yours Kartavya.

I was smiling like a fool when I finished reading his note and the way he signed it 'yours Kartavya' warmed my heart and gave me butterflies. My Kartavya. He made my bad mood quickly turn into a good one. God I missed him. How I want to just be in his arms and forget everything just like last night.

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