Chapter 51

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"Hello Anika." Mahira drawled with the same smugness matching her expression. But that is not what shocked me the most, it was the bruises on her face that she must have tried to hide with the heavy make up she had.. Even though she tried so hard to hide them, they were still slightly visible around her eyes and on her forehead.

"Mahira." I nodded. "Are you okay?" I couldn't help myself. She sneered at me.

"Don't act so innocent in front of me, I know all of it is an act. You can fool Kartavya and his family but you cannot fool with your goody two shoe act." She spat, Is she serious right now? Fuck it you shouldn't be nice to people who don't deserve it, and she definitely doesn't with her bitchy attitude. "And I don't need your pity, I'm fine."

I shook my head exasperated at her antics. "If you followed and cornered me in the powder room there must be something you want to tell. So can you please get it over with? My friends are waiting for me."

"How is your marriage going Anika? Did Kartavya get bored with you yet?" She scoffed, a malicious smirk dancing on her lips. "Because I couldn't imagine Kartavya tolerating a stuck up like you for a long time. Some time or the other he would snap." I fisted my hands in anger. How dare she talk about my marriage?

"Mahira, why don't you move on with your life, I already told you the unhealthy obsession you have with my husband and marriage is not good for you."

"God you are such bitch, you think you are better than me just because you married my man." My blood boiled when she called My Avy her man. She is completely delusional if she thought I would let her get away with spouting nonsense.

"How delusional you must have to be to still call him your man after what you did to him. You must have forgotten but let me remind you he is not yours anymore he is my husband, mine, he is married to me. So get it through your thick skull and leave us the fuck alone."

Mahira's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and frustration, but she didn't respond immediately. Instead, she took a deep breath, seemingly attempting to regain some composure. The tension in the air was palpable as we locked eyes, neither willing to back down.

Finally, she spoke, her voice dangerously low, "You may have him now, Anika, but don't think your little fairy tale is going to last forever. Kartavya will realise his mistake, and when he does, I'll be there to pick up the pieces. Oh let me tell you he is realising his mistake slowly but surely." She grinned but that is anything but nice.

I couldn't believe the audacity of her words, but I refused to let her see how much they affected me. With a steely resolve, I replied, "We'll see about that, Mahira. For now, I suggest you focus on your own life and let go of the past. Kartavya and I have moved on, we love each other and it's time you did too and find someone who will love you instead of wasting your life for someone who is never going to be yours."

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