Chapter 63

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Avy froze in his place, his eyes widening in shock, before a fit of coughing overtook him. Reacting quickly, I rushed to his side and began patting his back, concern filling my mind. Regret immediately gnawed at me. Maybe I shouldn't have dropped such bombshell news so abruptly.

"Avy, are you okay?" I asked, my voice laced with worry as he finally stopped coughing and cleared his throat, his gaze still dazed as he looked at me.

He shook his head slowly, his expression still a mix of astonishment and disbelief. "Did you just say you are pregnant?" His eyes flickered from my face to my stomach, and I could sense the whirlwind of thoughts racing through his mind.

I swallowed hard, nodding in confirmation. "I mean, how... how is that possible?" He stepped closer, his hands reaching out to cup my cheeks.

Raising an eyebrow, I replied, "What do you think?" His expression suddenly shifted, as if a light bulb had gone off in his head.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Avy exclaimed, excitement bubbling over. "I mean, yes, yes, I know. We're going to be parents." With a burst of joy, he lifted me off my feet and twirled me around, my laughter mixing with his.

After a moment, he gently set me back on the ground and kissed me passionately. "I'm going to be a dad. I'll have a mini you running around," he exclaimed with a hearty laugh.

"Avy, don't get too excited. Nothing's confirmed yet," I cautioned, though a smile tugged at my lips as I reached up to caress his cheek.

"No, Ani, I think you are pregnant. I know your cycle; you haven't had your period for two months. Just to be sure, why don't we get you checked out?" Avy suggested eagerly, his eyes filled with certainty.

Rolling my eyes affectionately, I agreed, "Okay, we'll go. But first, I need to talk to Sakshi." Avy's expression fell slightly, but I silenced his protests with a finger to his lips. "Hush. It won't take long. And Avy, I don't want to tell anyone until it's confirmed, okay?"

"Of course, sweetheart. Whatever you feel like," he reassured me with a soft smile.

Hurriedly, I got ready and made my way to the living room where Sakshi was waiting for us. As I entered, Maa approached me with concern etched on her features.

"Anika, how are you feeling now? Sakshi said you were throwing up," she said, reaching out to place a hand on my forehead as if checking for a fever. Panic shot through me as I glanced at Sakshi, realising she had spilled the beans about my morning sickness. I shook my head, trying to downplay the situation.

"I'm fine, Maa. Must have been something I ate when we went out the other day," I improvised, hoping she would buy my excuse. Thankfully, she seemed convinced and nodded understandingly.

"Okay, if you say so. Go and rest. I'll send your meals upstairs until you're feeling better," she instructed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Maa, it's not necessary. I'm fi—"

"No, it's not fine. Just do as you're told," she interjected firmly, her tone echoing Avy's authoritative nature. I shot him a look, and he winked mischievously, clearly enjoying the maternal solidarity.

I nodded silently in response to Maa's instructions. "Okay then, go upstairs. I'll send your food up. Kartavya, take her upstairs," she directed, and Kartavya complied, leading the way as we ascended the stairs, Sakshi trailing behind us.

Once inside our bedroom, Sakshi turned to me with a questioning look in her eyes. "What's going on?" she inquired, her curiosity evident.

I shook my head, a sense of secrecy enveloping me. "Nothing for now. I'll tell you when the time comes. But I want you to know that everything will be fine, and Bhaiya will return soon. Just try not to stress yourself too much, okay?" I placed my hands on her shoulders, trying to reassure her, while Avy settled onto the bed, observing our exchange.

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