Chapter 4

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It has been a week Lizzie and Seb going to honeymoon and Elia stay with her Grammie and Nana

Everything was fine, Elia was spending her absolute best time with Grammie and Nana, calling Mama and Daddy every single night– Mama's request obviously.

It was not until the last day of Elia's staying over with Grammie and Nana that she got her first period ever at the age of 15

It is painful. Excruciatingly painful for Elia especially for her first time ever.

When she woke up, she felt something odd down there firstly, then she went to the bathroom to do her business, right after she pulled down her panties, it's blood leaking.

Thankfully, Elia already knows about this and learns about it theoretically. She handled it calmly, washing those up, and going to Grammie downstairs, who were happily chatting with Nana as they were making breakfast. Oh those two are best friends by now.

"Good morning Grammie, Nana" Elia greeted them as she arrived there making both women turn around with a smile as they noticed her presence

"Hey Bunny" Grammie smiled at the girl as she opened her arms for the hug but frowned when Elia didn't make any moves "Baby, is everything alright?" She asked in concerned

"I just got my period. I feel gross right now so I'm not sure I can hug you Grammie. Can I have a pad so I can clean up and then hug you and Nana properly?" She replied softly

The realization dawned on both older women, smiling softly at Elia's cuteness of being soft and thoughtful about her hygiene right now.

"I actually have loaded it up in your sink drawer in your bathroom in case time like this comes. There's several choices of pads and you know how to wear it right?" Grammie asked, knowing it was Elia's first time

Elia nodded her head. She learn it in her class, in theory obviously

"Alright, let's go. I'll just keep you company upstairs and be outside in case you need any help or not alright?" Grammie pulls the girl softly to go upstairs to her room and Elia just obliges.

So that is how it started with Eliana Adelaine Olsen journey of becoming a woman.

At the age of 15.

And starting from there, she starts to feel all of the cramps. Which sucks as hell.

She can't get up from bed and Grammie and Nana have been taking care of her, cuddling and snuggling. She's double cuddly and snuggly now.

But yet it still hurt her. She just hopes Mama was here.

Which brings tears.

Oh the mood swings....

She needs Mama, she misses Mama. She wants Mama cuddles but she also didn't want to ruin Mama and Daddy's honeymoon.

This honeymoon is probably Mama and Daddy first time ever of them having time together outside of LA on a holiday just the two of them.

So of course Elia didn't want to tell Mama. Besides, it's their last day. So she could wait for a day more because Mama and Daddy are coming back home today!

After a week!

And she was supposed to pick them up at the airport but under certain circumstances, Elia stayed in bed, sulking at her stomach for period cramps and she just wanted to cry all day long.

She's tired of the pain already and it's just her second day.

Suck, suck suck suck. Elia repeats, cusses in her mind.

"My darling baby girl" Mama's soft voice coming from behind as Elia feel her bed dipped, Mama's hand wrapping around Elia's waist from behind to which Elia immediately turn to face her mom and hug Mama tightly, hiding her face in Mama's chest, seeking comfort she's been craving for

"I know baby, I know" Mama soothed her as she caressed Elia's back softly

Elia immediately burst into tears "Mommy it hurts!"

Lizzie's heart breaks at that as she hears the pain in Elia's voice.

"I'm so sorry that it hurt my baby, I'm so sorry. I wish I can take it for you, I really do"

"Ugh this sucks!"

"It really does" She said agreeing "But you know, Mama's here. We'll go through it together alright? This means a lot of cuddles and snuggles and kisses!"

"I have to go through this until I'm 60 Mommy?" Comes Elia's random question which makes Lizzie blinked her eyes at that and nodded her head after she recovers.

Blunt Elia when she's on her menstruation is something else too. Blunt when she's in her menstruation and sleepy.

"I believe so, baby girl"

"So you have 24 years more then. LUCKY!"

Lizzie couldn't help but laugh, biting her lips at Elia's sudden change of mood. From crying to feeling annoyed in the short span of time.

"I miss you Mommy" Elia replied timidly as she nuzzled her face further in Mama's chest, hugging her tighter to which Mama responded with the same amount of tight "I miss you so so so much"

"I miss you so so so much too, Eli bells" Mama exclaimed softly as she dropped a few kisses on Elia's forehead "I'm right here now. No more leaving"


"Promise. It's always and forever with us"

Elia nodded her head in response, satisfied with the answer and closed her eyes due to pure exhaustion.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Mama asked, noticing the exhaustion in Elia's form right now. She knows how the girl's sleep last night because Nana was sleeping with her and she just wants to see whether Elia is gonna lie to her or not.

Elia didn't sleep until 4 am last night. She's in pain and also, she still has this problem of sleeping after all of the incidents she has.

"Not good Mommy"

Lizzie somehow let out a breath of relief a little. Elia didn't lie just to ease the parents anymore. She's more open now.

And also, the 'Mommy' that Elia dropped today. Lizzie knows the girl's clinginess has dialed up to 1000 now.

Elia intends to be clingy when she's sick because she needs comfort and that is something Lizzie will endlessly give to the girl. She will not stop, ever.

So, Mama just dropped a few kisses over her head and peppering her face more with kisses after noticing Elia got relaxed at that.

"I love you my sweet Little Missy"

"I love you Mommy" 


It has been so many months! I'm so sorry. I've been apologizing in every book that was published with the new chapter these past couple of days haha. But hopefully I'm gonna be more consistent now. Let me tell you, writers block suck and also my work consuming all of my time too. 

So we got Elia and Mama Lizzie content back again today! Though I can feel that it's not much but this is all I can for right now! Guys if you have any idea or suggestions, it is always welcome here! In any of my books! I accept it with open heart! 

Next chapter are in 30% done. It's cute chapter too. Probably next week gonna come out or we'll see. I can't promise anything but I am trying my best here for you guys!

And, as I always remind you guys of, I hope you guys are having an amazing day/ night wherever you are! Please take care of yourself! (Note to self :D) 

See you guys in the next chapter my loves! LOTS OF LOVE AND I LOVE YOU IN EVERY UNIVERSE! <3

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