I Willl Never Take it Off

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                        ▪Chapter 5▪

I left Trethan alone and headed to my bedroom. I was too tired to change into comfortable clothes so I crawl into my bed wearing the same jeans and shirt. Once my blanket was pulled up to my shoulders I wanted nothing more than to sleep. I closed my eyes, to many it would like I was sleeping but really I wasn’t, though my eyes were shut my mind was still wide open. Questions began to ambush my already clouded brain.  Does Trethan know that I’m a half siren? He must right? My dad must have told him. What if my dad didn’t, what if he wanted that to be kept a secret? Should I tell Trethan myself, or let him figure it out?  

I let out a deep sigh and reached my hands to my head and rubbed my temples.

My thoughts drifted to a much more enjoyable subject, Ben. I couldn’t help but smile as the image of Ben’s innocent face danced around behind my closed eyes. The first time I met Ben, I couldn’t ever forget. Second grade, the first day of school. I kept my head down as I walked to my seat. My stringy hair fell down to about my tail bone. My mom had told me like the years previous not to tell anyone what I really am. I was fearful that it might accidently slip out if I tried to talk to someone so I just decided it was easier to keep to myself.

I kept my eyes on the chalkboard as more new faces entered the classroom. I could never forget how Ben looked that day, even if I tried.  His laugh filled the room as he strolled in with his friend. He had a weird looking superhero figure in his grip. He put the toy into his oversized coat pocket. His hair was a lot longer, less curly but everywhere as he danced to his seat.

I tried to pay little attention but when I felt a finger poke my back I had to turn around.

“Why is your hair so long?” Ben asked, his big hazel eyes stuck out as he examined the dark pieces of hair that fell in my face.

I shrug. I wanted to say the truth, because the water does that to me. But I couldn’t so I just stare blankly.

I thought he was so strange, maybe for talking to me. No one had bothered to make conversation with me, expect him.

“Is it fake?” Ben asked again, as he laughed at the idea of me wearing a wig.

“That girl has fake hair!” the boy that walked in with Ben shouts as he points at me.

I quickly turn back around and I hid my face, I was mortified as the many of the students started giggling at my “wig”.

Ben was silent.

When school had gotten out I raced home, straight to my mom, trying to hold back the tears.

“Mommy a boy in my class knows I’m different.”  The tears began to sting my eyes, until they warmly slid down my cheeks.

She laughed gently as she stroked the top of my head.

“Nellieana, they know no such thing.”  She protested.

“Its cause of my hair, mommy cut it off, like everyone else’s.” I begged.

After pleading she finally cut off my hair to about my elbows.

I wasn’t satisfied.

Late that night when my mom had been sleeping I creep down to the kitchen and find a pair of scissors and chop away more of my hair.

By the time I finished I was exhausted, I fell asleep on the kitchen floor with my hair as short as Ben’s.

The look Ben wore as he stared at me as I strolled in the next day was priceless. His mouth fell open and his eyes were wide.

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