Chapter Two

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"So it goes, he can't keep his wild eyes on the road"-Style, Taylor Swift

The sun was shining directly in Maeve's face through her curtains, and the sound of Elvis Presley's voice was faintly audible from across the house. She could hear dishes clanging in the sink and her mom singing along to Jailhouse rock while Maeve tried to process what was happening. She quickly remembered that today was Saturday, and Elvis was her moms' cleaning music.

Better escape before her mom made her vacuum the house.

She rolled out of bed and made her way to the kitchen, Elvis' voice getting louder.

"Good morning, you want toast?" her mom greeted, her ginger hair pulled back in a bun.

"Yes please" Maeve replied, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

She wasn't a morning person, but preferred staying up late when everyone else was asleep. It made her feel alone in a good way, like she didn't have any responsibilities, but could just be by herself.

"I'm going to need your help around the house today, I have a lot to get done," her mom said while placing clean glasses in the cabinet.

"Yeah, sure," Maeve said, trying to look more enthusiastic than she felt.

After drinking her coffee and eating her toast, she swept the floors and helped her mom clean the house.

She was sitting on the couch watching tv when the phone rang. Maeve reached over to the corner table and grabbed the phone.

"Hello, Hartwell house," she answered

"Hey Maeve, it's Evie, are you coming to the race later?"

Evie was Maeve's good friend. She knew all of the good gossip and always kept her updated on who was dating who during English. She was also going out with Steve—despite Maeve's protests that she could do so much better.

"What race?" Maeve asked. Evie gasped over the phone.

"You weren't at Dave's party were you? Okay, so, Dally got in some big fight with Dave during the party, they were both really drunk and you know how Dally gets. So Sam heard saw and said Dave got really pissed off..."

She launched into recounting the events of the fight. Dally wanted to have it out old-school and started throwing punches in the front yard, but the gang talked some sense into them. A fight like that would probably end up getting others involved and they didn't want to start a gang fight. So they decided to have a drag race today on Lake Road. Apparently, this was just the entertainment people needed.  A whole lot of people were going to show up.

"Well I'll definitely be there," Maeve said when Evie had finished talking. She figured it would be more entertaining than cleaning the house, and she always liked watching drag races the few times they've happened. She'd never been in the car during a race, let alone driven in one. Although, she's always wanted to. She's a shit driver anyways, so it probably wouldn't end well for her, but so is Dally and here he is.

After hanging up with Evie, she jumped in the shower. Jittery excitement danced through her when she thought about the events later.


The bar was quieter than normal, given that it was only 11am. Just a couple old greasers playing pool before the crowd of drunks started piling in. Dally made his way downstairs, passing Buck's ancient dog Rover, trying to ignore the pain pounding through his head as a result of the 3 beers he drank last night. Buck was propped up against the counter, reading the newspaper with a bored expression.

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