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The week after

Right now I was in my room watching tv when my mom came in my room. "Ddot we need to have a talk." she said to me as she sat next to me on my bed. "Okay about what I do I ain't do nothing to get in trouble." I said to her.

"No you aren't in trouble." she said to me. "Then what is this about?" I asked her. "It's about Dani." she said to me and then it got quiet. "What about her?" I asked her. "I talked to your dad and we think that you should start going to a therapist." she said to me.

"Nah y'all buggin I'm not going to a therapist why would I even need to go to one." I said to her. "Ever since she died you've been off and I mean like you go in her room once a day everyday and just sit in there it's like you haven't accepted her death." she said to me.

"So basically y'all want me to forget about Dani?" I asked her. "That's not what we are saying it's just we want you to realize that yes she's gone but that you can move on in life without her." she said to me. And I really thought this conversation was weird as hell.

"I'm good I don't need no therapist I know that I can live life knowing she's not here so is this conversation over with." I said to her and she just looked at me. "Sure and you and your sister are going to your dads this weekend." she said to me.

"Mami I don't want too go and plus I have plans this weekend and you know how our sperm donor gets." I said to her. "What plans you got?" she asked me. "DD wants me to come to his show this weekend and I told him I'll come." I said to her.

"What's going on with you and that boy like you invite that boy over here more then your own friends." she said to me. "To be completely honest me and him are taking things slow right now so that's why he's been over a lot." I said to her.

"Do you like him like how you liked Chris or?" she asked me. "I like him more than I liked Chris and plus DD doesn't seem like he would hurt me because in his words I'm his little hood princess." I said to her. "Well he's not lying because as much as you don't like your dad right now you are a fucking daddy's boy be wanting him to spoil you but you act so gangster with everyone else." she said to me.

"That's not true but seriously mami can you talk to papi I don't want him to be over protective like he always is when it comes to a boy with me and Desi." I said to her. "Or you can do it and I be by your side seeing as he is coming over today." she said to me. "Mamiii no." I said to her.

"It will be fine so don't worry so get dressed out of your pajamas and get dressed." she said to me and then she walked out of my room. "Esta familia me irrita." I said to myself as I went in my closet looking for something to wear. (This family irritates me)

"DDOT!" I heard Desi yell as she came in my room. "Girl why are you yelling?" I asked her. "Because I'm aggravated." she said to me. "Okay am I supposed to guess why." I said to her. "Tell DD to tell his friend to stop trying to get with me." she said to me.

"Mabu?" I asked her. "Yes like I told him he wasn't my type and he is still trying like why won't he give up." she said to me. "I told him at the studio he wasn't your type so I don't know what to tell you." I said to her as I found an outfit.

"Then call DD." she said to me. "What do you expect him to do?" I asked her. "I don't know but call him." she said to me. "No because that's weird like he is going to ask you what does that even have to do with him." I said to him.

"Darrian." she said to me. "Desiree." I said to her. "Come on please just call him." she said to me and I sighed. "Fine." I said to her so then I got my phone and called him regularly because he does not need to see me looking a mess.

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