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Couple Weeks Later

"Dani come on now I just want to smoke in my car in peace and you're talking to me about my boyfriend." I said to her as we were sitting in my car outside the house. "Yeah to convince you to break up with him." she said to me.

"Why should I break up with him?" I asked her. "Because after y'all had sex he's been dodging you like no other so that's how you know he only wanted to fuck you and then leave." she said to me. "Dani I don't want to talk about this so change the subject." I said to her.

"You get on my nerves but I'll change the subject so let me hit the blunt." she said to me so then I gave her the blunt. "What's up with you and Desi?" I asked her. "She's being weird." she said to me.

"What you mean?" I asked her as she gave me the blunt. "Like it's hard to explain really like she's been acting like someone she's not when she's with certain people especially around mami and papi." she said to me.

"She's always been like that though you know being someone different with us and then with her friends." I said to her. "Yeah but I don't like that shit because me and you are her blood not those fake ass bitches she claim as friends." she said to me.

"Dani you just got to let it go and face the fact that Desi is always going to be Desi and when she gets her feelings her she will just come back to us like nothing happened." I said to her. "That's the thing if she tries and comeback I'm not going to accept her back so easily." she said to me.

"You say that all the time and never go through with your word." I said to her. "Well this time I'm serious." she said to me. "Sure you are." I said to her as I hit the blunt and then my back door of my car opened.

"So y'all just smoking without me?" Desi asked us as she got in the car. "If we wanted you to know then we would of told you." Dani said to her. "If y'all going to argue then get out my car I don't want to hear that shit." I said to them.

"It's not me it's her all I did was get in the car and she catches a whole attitude." Desi said to me. "Because I don't fuck with weird ass bitches." Dani said to her. "How the fuck am I being weird?" Desi asked her.

"You know how you are so I'm not explaining anything to you." Dani said to her. "You know what I don't have time for this so y'all have fun acting like y'all the closet siblings like I don't even exist."  Desi said to us and then she got out the car.

"You know she's going to tell mami and papi right?" I asked Dani. "Let her I don't care." she said to me. "You know Dani even if Desi doesn't talk to us again promise me we'll always have each other." I said to her. "For life."
End of Flashback

"DARRIAN!" Desi yelled breaking me out of my thoughts. "What Desi?" I asked her. "You want to go to this party with me tonight?" she asked me. "Not really I just want to stay home." I said to her. "You're probably going to go and see DD the moment I leave." she said to me.

"Desi I don't want to go." I said to her. "See that's not fair if Dani was still alive then you would of said yes but when I want to hang out it's always no so tell me why can't we be as close as you were with Dani." she said to me.

"Maybe because Dani never threw shit in my face and maybe because she wouldn't tell mami and papi about me almost getting raped because unlike you Dani didn't put her feelings before others especially if she knew they would get hurt." I said to her.

"Stop comparing me to her I get it okay you liked Dani more then me but can't you see I'm trying to be a better sister to you?" she asked me. "Like hell you are you're only saying that because you have no one Desi you're alone and you just want me to fill that space for you." I said to her.

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