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Few Days Later

"Ddot are you seriously crying right now?" I asked him. "Yes." he said to me as he wiped his tears. "We are little five minutes away from getting this ice cream that you so badly needed so why are you crying." I said to him.

"Because you're being mean and I didn't do anything but ask you for ice cream." he said to me. "You little called me a bottom feeder bitch before I could give you my answer." I said to him. "I don't want to talk to you anymore." he said to me.

And I just rolled my eyes because I'm not about to deal with him and his hormones. "You know your daddy can be a bitch sometimes." Dddot said as he was talking to his stomach. "Yo don't be telling our daughter shit like that about me." I said to him.

"Who the fuck you cussing at?" he asked me. "You were deadass just crying like two minutes ago and now you want to cuss at me." I said to him. "That's because now you being disrespectful." he said to me. "Yeah she needs to hurry up and get out of you because you be talking to me crazy like I can't fuck you up." I said to him.

"You ain't gonna do shit." he said to me. "You lucky we at this stupid ass ice cream place or I promise to you I will fuck you up now." I said to him. "Fuck you but hurry up because you paying for my ice cream." he said to me as he got out the car.

"This going to be my only child with him if he gonna be acting like this." I said to myself and then I got out the car. "What you want?" I asked him as we walked in the store. "I want a small strawberry ice cream and a medium strawberry milkshake." he said to me.

"Alright go sit down so you won't be complaining later on that your feet hurting." I said to him. "Okay." he said to me and then he went and sat down. "Hey how can I help you?" the cashier asked me. "Can I just get a small strawberry ice cream and a medium strawberry milkshake." I said to her.

"Will that be all?" she asked me. "Yeah." I said to her. "Alright 10.75" she said to me and then I just gave her a 20. "Alright here's your change and receipt." she said to me. But when I looked at the receipt I noticed she had her number on the back of it.

"Alright here you go and call me." she said to me. But I just took Ddot stuff from her and went to give it to him because I'm not about to deal with that shit again. "Why was she smiling so hard at you?" he asked me as I gave him his ice cream.

"It was nothing ma." I said to him. "Na it was something so what was it." he said to me. "Like I said nothing but come on so I can take you home." I said to him as I helped him up and grabbed his milkshake.

"She was flirting with you I could tell." he said to me as he was eating his ice cream. "She wasn't flirting." I said to him as I got in the car. "Yes she was do you think I'm stupid or something." he said to me. "You know you're a handful." I said to him as I was backing out of the parking lot.

"You shouldn't have gotten me pregnant then." he said to me. "You should have remembered to get the plan b." I said to him. "Fuck you but try my milkshake." he said to me as he had his drink in front of my face. "I'm good ma." I said to him.

"Try it." he said to me and I knew he wasn't going to leave me alone til I did. "Yeah it's good." I said to him and then it got quiet. "Am I bothering you?" he asked me. "No why you say that?" I asked him.

"Because I feel like you are getting annoyed with me especially since we've been together all day." he said to me. "No I'm just tired." I said to him. "Why?" he asked me. "I've been up since early looking for stuff for you and the baby." I said to him.

"You don't need to be tiring your self out just to get me and the baby stuff DD." he said to me. "I'm just making up for the lost time." I said to him. "You don't need to I'm over it." he said to me.

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