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The Next Day

I had just woke up and it was to the sound of loud Dominican music. "She always on that shit." I said to myself. So then I was about to get up but I realized that Ddot was still sleep on my chest. "Ma get up." I said to him. "No I don't want." he said to me as he was half sleep.

"You got to though I got to take you home." I said to him. "Then don't take me home." he said to me. "Nah I don't need your dad trying to kill me so like I said get up." I said to him. "No." he said to me. So then I reached my hand down to his ass and slapped it hard as fuck.

"DD WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" he semi-yelled at me. "To get your ass up so when I come out this bathroom yo ass better be up for real." I said to him as I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and everything. "The fuck this bitch texting my phone for." I said to myself as I saw that Alabama was blowing up my phone.

"I ain't even about to look at the shit." I said to myself before I walked out the bathroom. "I see you up though." I said to Ddot. "Fuck you and don't slap my ass that hard again that shit still stings." he said to me.

"My fault ma but go and get ready so I can take you home." I said to him. So then he got his bag and went in the bathroom. So then I went on Instagram and went live for a bit. "Wassup y'all." I said to the live. "I ain't really on shit today I'm just chillin." I said to them.

So then I started reading some comments and they were asking about what happened last night. "Just shit turned left and that's all I'm gonna say I ain't really gonna speak on the shit." I said to them. "DD!!" Ddot yelled my name. "Y'all hold up." I said to the live as I put my phone down and went to check on him.

"What's wrong ma?" I asked him as I went in the bathroom. And he mumbled something but I couldn't hear him. "Ma you got to speak up I can't hear you." I said to him and he sighed. "My period just came on." he said to him. "Oh so what you need?" I asked him.

"Can you see if your sister has any pads or anything?" he asked me. "I got some stuff under here." I said to him as I opened the cabinet underneath the sink and opened up a box of pads. "Why do you have this stuff?" he asked as I gave him a pad.

"When you told me about you being an intersex I told Melz to go and buy some stuff for in case you ever came over and you needed it." I said to him. "You so sweet DD." he said to me. "It's just a small gesture but I'll let you finish getting ready and by the way I'm on live when you come out." I said to him.

"Okay." he said to me and then I walked out the bathroom going back to my live. "Alright y'all I'm back." I said to the live. "Y'all so federal y'all don't need to know who called my name." I said to them as I started laughing. Then I saw some comments asking me about if I got something going on with Ddot.

"Nah me and Ddot just friends ain't shit going on between us." I said to them. "But y'all asking all this shit about my love life when a nigga really just chillin." I said to them. "But who was that you posted on your Instagram twice?" I read one of the comments out loud.

"That's just a friend and nothing more." I lied to them. As I kept talking to the live I didn't even realize that Ddot came out the bathroom. "quieres que termine el live para que no te vean?" I asked him. (Do you want me to end the live so they don't see you)

"No, si me ven, solo me ven y no es como si te estuviera besando a ti." he said to me. (No if they see me they just see me and it's not like i'm kissing all up on you) "Alright." I said to him. "Why y'all being so federal today?" I asked the live.

Because all I seen was them wondering who I started talking to in Spanish. "I just go from English to Spanish sometimes so y'all can stop tripping." I said to them. "DD quiero atencion." Ddot said to me. (DD I want attention)

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