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Couple Days Later

Right now me and Ddot were in the car driving to the house we would be staying at while we in Cali. "You good ma you been quiet for a little minute now?" I asked him. "Yeah I'm good just a little tired." he said to me.

"Then just go to sleep it's not like you the one driving." I said to him as I made a left turn. "No because then you will be driving and bored and shit so I can just stay up with you." he said to me.

"Ma you don't got to so just go to sleep I'll be fine." I said to him. "Like I said no so let's talk about something like what are we doing with our first day of being in Cali?" he asked me. "Well Luh Tyler down here and I know he having some house party so we going to that tonight." I said to him.

"You going to be chill at this party?" he asked me. "What you mean by that?" I asked him. "What I mean is are you going to let me be me at this party meaning don't be overprotective if a song play and I start shaking my ass." he said to me.

"As long as no other nigga besides me come up behind you when you doing that then I don't care what you do." I said to him. "Yeah you saying that now until you one see my outfit and two when we actually get to the party." he said to me.

"What you think you about to wear to this party?" I asked him. "Single or not DD if I want to look good I'm going to make sure I look good." he said to me. "Darrian don't play with me tonight." I said to him.

"I love seeing you get all upset and shit." he said to me as he started laughing and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I bet yo little ass do because that's all you do is get me upset for no reason." I said to him. "Yeah because you get aggressive and that shit be turning me on." he said to me.

"Change the subject before I pull this car over and fuck you in the back seat." I said to him and he got quiet real quick. "See that made yo ass be quiet." I said to him. "Fuck you." he said to me.

"You're not ready for it but have your peoples called you yet?" I asked him. "No and I hope it stays that way because I don't want to deal with them and have them ruin my mood." he said to me.

"That's why I wanted you to come with me so you wouldn't be all depressed and shit." I said to him. "I wasn't going to be depressed." he said to me. "That's a damn lie but stick with your story I guess." I said to him.

"Wait my mom is calling me." he said to me. "Answer it." I said to him and then he answered the phone. "Hello?" he answered the phone. "DÓNDE DEMONIOS ESTÁS ?" she yelled at him. (WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU)

"Me fui a Cali con DD No quería estar en casa con todos ustedes" he said to her. (I left to Cali with DD I didn't want to be home with yall) . "Debes ser jodidamente estúpido porque lo que en tu sano juicio dijo que te escabulleras con él." she said to him.

(You must be fucking stupid because what in your right mind said to sneak off with him) "Está bien, mami, te hablaré más tarde." he said to her and then he hung up. (Okay Mami ill talk to you later)

"Damn you deadass just hung up on her." I said to him. "Because I don't got type for none of they shit and now Desi is calling me but I ain't going to answer because I've been trying not to cuss her out for the longest." he said to me.

"Just blocked them or some shit until you get back I mean they going to be even more mad but at least they won't be able to call you right now." I said to him. "You're right because they all just been weird lately." he said to me.

"Speaking of weird Dotty is going to be here with us." I said to him and I just felt him staring at me. "How you going to have me around a nigga that you won't let me get my round with?" he asked me.

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