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Few Months Later

So it's been a couple of months since I've had Devani and I knew it was going to be hard but I didn't know it was going to be this hard. Because whenever she's upset she cries and sometimes she gets upset over nothing.

"Vani come on now what are you crying for I fed you and changed you I don't know what's wrong with you." I said to her as I was walking around with her. "Ddot is everything alright?" Dani asked me as she came in the room.

"No she won't stop crying and I don't know what to do." I said to her. "Give her to me and take a breather." she said to me so then I gave her Vani and tried to calm down a little. "Ddot when are you going to realize you can ask for help instead of getting stressed out?" she asked me.

"I don't want to bother y'all because I got pregnant and had a baby not y'all so she's my responsibility to take care of ." I said to her. "Ddot she's my niece so you can ask me for help even Desi doesn't mind helping you see she always sneaks in here and takes Vani from you." she said to me.

"Yeah I know I just don't want to be a burden to y'all." I said to her as I noticed that Vani had calmed down. "Ask for help it's okay and we aren't going to get mad at all." she said to me. "Okay I'll start asking for help." I said to her as I took Vani from her.

"Good now if you need me I'll be in my room." she said to me. "Okay." I said to her and then she left my room. "Alright what are we going to do today?" I asked Vani as she was just staring at me.

"When are you going to start looking like me instead of your raggedy ass daddy." I said to her. And then my phone started ringing and it was DD. "That's what my ass gets." I said to her as I answered the phone.

"What you doing?" DD asked me. "Just talking to Vani." I said to him. "Let me see her." he said to me. So then I turned the phone around so he can see her and so that she can see him. "She looking more and more like me everyday." he said to me.

"Don't piss me off." I said to him and I heard him laughing. "Ma turn the phone towards you." he said to me. "Yes?" I asked him. "You want me to come and get you and her I can tell that you're stressed and you look like you been crying." he said to me.

"She has just been crying alot for no reason and her crying was starting to get to me." I said to him. "Yeah I'm about to come and get both of y'all so get dressed." he said to me. "Alright see you in a few." I said to him and then I hung up.

"Looks like we are going with your daddy today." I said to Vani and she started smiling. "I feel like you don't get this excited when you with him and he mentions me." I said to her. So then I went in our closet and found me and her something to wear.

So then I decided to put her in her crib beside my vanity and go live because ever since I had her I haven't really been on social media. "Hey y'all." I said to the live as people started joining.

"Well me and Vani are about to go with DD and I was like I might as well go live while I get dressed since I haven't been on social media like that." I said to them. And then I started reading some of their comments while I was going my hair and some of them were about Mabu.

"I tried to talk to Mabu but he doesn't want to talk to me and honestly I'm not about to be begging someone to be my friend or just talk to me in general especially after I apologized." I said to them.

And while I was doing my hair Vani started crying again so I picked her up. "Little girl you just want to be held but I'm trying to get ready before your daddy gets here." I said to her and she started smiling.

"I know y'all see how my baby got some more hair on her head and she only four months." I said to the live as I showed them Vani's hair. "But seriously Vani I can't get ready and hold you it's just not going to work." I said to her and then I put her back in her crib and gave her a toy.

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