Book 2, Chp 10: The Ironbreaker

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Its been a few hours since Garmelie guided us to the vestige, most of the time he would just vanish without any trace when we're facing any monsters since they're targeting Vax who's wearing the vestige. Right now we're resting from exhaustion after slaying a monster recently.

Vex: (Groan.) Can't they ever give us a break?

YN: Its all thanks to Vax wearing the vestige.

Vax: Hey!

YN: Oh relax, you're quite popular in this realm.

Vax: Very funny

Percy: Well, above all the creature we've encounter in this realm, the slime monster was the deadliest so far.

YN: Seriously? What about that deer from last time?

Flashback, 3rd POV

They continue travel through the realm after fighting against the plants.

Keyleth: Can't believe these plants rarely help. At this point I can use it well with my magic. (Goans.) Not to mentioned most creatures can be dangerous.

Percy: Its probably because we're in their territory zone.

YN: So meaning that their behavior could be less dangerous. Though they can't be all that bad, like that deer over there.

They see a normal deer walking by and notice them.

Keyleth: (Smiles.) Aw, its so cute.

Suddenly it stand up in two feet and reveal its hand as it approaches them.

Suddenly it stand up in two feet and reveal its hand as it approaches them

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Vax: Uh, that's not normal deer-

Without hesitation, YN grabs a large rock and hits the deer's head. Once it was down, he pins the down and brutally killing it with the rock while yelling until the deer's head was crush flat.

YN: Demon! (Hits.) Spawn! (Hits.) Of hell! (Hits.) I cast you! (Hits.) To oblivion! (Hits.)

YN stands up heavily breathing and they all were shock to see what just happened. Before they could say anything, YN uses Igni to burn the deer to ashes.

Vex: Uh...was that necessary?

YN: That was a demon hidden behind the skin of innocent....

Flash back ends

Percy: You beat up a deer to death.

YN: Correction: I beat up a demon to death. I had no choice but to banished him out of the world of living.

Vax: With a rock.

YN: (Smiles.) With a rock.

Vex: Either way, its gone. Its getting dark and we're tired. we can't press on.

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