Chapter 1|| Graduation

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Aurora Cullen was having a blast

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Aurora Cullen was having a blast.Was. Granted this was the her nth time graduating however instead of partying with the rest of her graduating class she was currently upstairs of the Cullen residence next to her father Jasper Hale and mother Alice Cullen discussing a vision the fairy like vampire had.

"So does this mean we aren't going to Seattle?" She asks leaning against the wall eyebrows furrowed.

"No," Alice shakes her head."They're coming here."

"What?" A collective of gasps sound throughout the room."Why?"

"They'll be here in four days," Alice says leaning into Jasper's side worried for her family.

"This could turn into a bloodbath," Carlisle says perching his hard marble hands onto the desk behind him.

"Who's behind it?" Aurora asks.

"I didn't see anyone I recognized," Her mother responds but then pauses."Maybe one."

"I know his face," Edward chimes in."He's local,Riley Biers,he didn't start this."

"Whoever did is staying out of the action," Alice says.

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision," Carlisle looks at her.

"Either way the army's coming," Jasper interrupts."And there aren't enough of us to protect the town."

"I can cast a shield," Aurora suggests."That way they won't reach town and we can block off any plans of escape they may have while we finish them off."

Everyone seems content with the answer of their oldest member except for an impatient shapeshifter being left out of the conversation.

"Hold up," Jacob says catching their attention. "What damn army?"

"Newborns," Carlisle responds."Our kind."

"What are they after?" Embry asks.

"They were passing around Bella's scent," Alice replies."A red blouse."

"They're after Bella?" Jacob says displeased."What the hell does this mean?"

"It means an ugly fight with lives lost," Aurora says walking to stand beside her parents."But let me make it clear right here and now that it will not be us."

Jacob and her exchange glances for a couple of seconds before turning to look at Quil and Embry and finally stopping to stare into Carlisle's golden irises.

"Alright we're in," He says.

"No," Bella stands up."You'd get yourselves killed.No way."

Says the human girl.

Edward narrows his eyes at his niece.He was well aware of the displeasure of both Aurora and Rosalie when he brought Bella home for the first time but he knew they disliked her for entirely different reasons.

"I wasn't asking for permission," Jacob looks at her.

"Edward," Bella's notions to her boyfriend to say something.

"It means more protection for you," Edward hesitated to look at her.

"Jacob," Carlisle calls to the shapeshifter pulling his attention away from the couple."Do you believe Sam would agree to an understanding?"

"So as long as we get to kill some vampires," Jacob replies.

"Jasper," Carlisle asks.

Jasper senses the animosity rolling off Edward towards his daughter not quite liking it but putting it off to speak with him privately about the matter.

"They'll give us the numbers," Jasper says looking Jacob up and down."Newborns won't even know they exist.It'll give us an edge."

"We'll need to coordinate," Carlisle says standing up from his position.

"Carlisle," Bella tells him."They're gonna get hurt."

"We'll all need some training," Carlisle continues. "Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has.You're welcomed to join us."

"Alright," Jacob says."Name the time and place."

"Jake," Bella looks at him."You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

"Bella," Jacob says sickly sweet."This is what we do.You should be happy.Look at us,working together.You are the one who wanted us to get along.Remember?"


Aurora assumes that Jacob is the only one who could be able to talk to Isabella like that without repercussions.

After the matter is dealt with Aurora escapes to her room to begin any preparations for next day's training.

"Hey," A voice calls out for her."Can I come in?"

"It depends," Aurora turns to look at the boy.

"I'm sorry," Edward says leaning against the door frame."Things with Bella haven't been going too well."

"Trouble in paradise?" Aurora asks patting the spot on her bed.

"I guess you could say that," Edaward sighs."I'm at a breaking point.Jacob,the Volturi,Victoria, the wolves.It still was unfair to target all of my frustrations onto you."

"I forgive you," Aurora says."I'll have to admit that I don't hate Bella but I dislike that way she's handling things."

"You seem to like her slightly more than Rose," He smiles."I appreciate that."

"I'm like Dom Toretto," Aurora says."Familia.You know how I am."

"You've been watching too many fast and the furious movies," Edward says getting up shaking his head.

"It's my favorite pastime," The brunette says throwing a pillow at his head."Don't judge me."

Edward laughs ducking the object swiftly walking out.

"Oh speaking of which," Aurora mumbles to her self."I am starving."

"How about we go on a little hunt?" Jasper says blocking the door frame."Me,you and your mother."

"Sounds wonderful," Aurora leaps off her bed at the proposition.

"I second that," Alice's voice rings through the house.

Sprinting out of the house hand in hand with her mother they decide to play a little in the creek before continuing their trip.

"For now let's stick to our territory and the day before the newborns come we'll head a little further out to hunt," Alice says.

After the family hunt down a couple mountain lions the thirst is sedated and they are on their way back home.

"Sweetheart can I talk to you for just a second?" Alice asks the brunette.

Aurora whips around and hurries back to her mother standing beside her a second after she spoke.

"I'll wait for my girls inside," Jasper kisses Aurora's forehead and grabs Alice in a deep breathtaking kiss."Please be quick."

Alice waits until she can no longer hear Jasper before leading her daughter to a large boulder by the creek hand in hand.

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