Chapter 3|| Fated

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"Impressive," The short blonde one spoke

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"Impressive," The short blonde one spoke."I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact."

Aurora's gaze flickered not to the one who spoke but to the light brown haired boy beside her.He must be the one her mother spoke to her about.There was no doubt about it,she could smell him as soon as she retracted the shield.Her eyes deliberately went back to the girl with blonde locks up in a bun.

What is she trying to insinuate exactly?

"We were lucky," Carlisle says.

"I doubt that," Jane looks at him.

"Well just like you we have our own special gifts," Jasper says looking at his family.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight," Alec looks at the Cullens.

"Yes,it's not often we're rendered unnecessary," Jane replies in a clipped tone.

"If you'd arrived half an hour ago you would have fulfilled your purpose," Edward chooses the words carefully.

"Pity," Jane says looking past the family."You missed two."

The Cullen family looks at her confused unsure of how to respond.

"There is only one," Carlisle tells her."Aurora joined our coven shortly after Jasper and Alice."

"She is our daughter." Alice looks at the young Volturi member."Not a newborn."

Jane not satisfied looks at the other short girl much to the relief of her brother who's eyes remained on the girl.

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender," Carlisle tells them.

"That wasn't yours to offer," Jane says."Why did you come?"

In an instant Bree is on the floor arched and letting out a shrill scream.

"Who created you?"

"You don't have to do that," Esme says hurriedly."
She'll tell you anything you want to know."

"I know," Jane grins faintly.

"Riley wouldn't tell us," Bree says."He said our thoughts weren't safe."

"Her name was Victoria," Edward replies. "Perhaps you knew her."

"Edward if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria they would have stopped her," Aurora pipes up looking at Jane."Isn't that right Jane?"

Having read the girls thoughts Aurora was bloodthirsty.

"Of course," Jane responds."Felix."

The giant takes a step towards the family.

"Wait," Esme says."She didn't know what she was doing.We'll take responsibility for her."

"The Volturi don't give second chances," Jane looks to the human girl."Keep that in mind,Caius will be interested to know she's still human."

"The date is set," Bella says not making eye contact.

Jane looks beyond irritated at that point.

"Felix.Take care of that," Jane says."I'd like to go home."

Reluctantly the Cullen's step aside as the man brushes past them to reach the newborn.

Aurora winces as the girl is picked up and holds onto her father tightly who wraps an arm around her cradling her close to him.

The bloodcurdling scream of Bree fills the field before it's finally over as Felix throws whats left of her into the fire to burn.

Before Jane even takes a step,Alec pulls on her robe.

"Sister," He says catching her attention immediately.

Jane looks to her brother worried before following his stare.His eyes looking at the brunette in between Alice and Jasper making her eyes widen before she shuts them tight.

"Go," Jane grits out not wanting to be here any longer."Get her."

"Tesoro mío," Alec says catching the clan's attention.

Aurora looks up from her mini family hug to look at the Volturi,her eyes darting instantly to the red eyed vampire.

"What the hell," Emmett says breaking the silence confused stepping slightly forward.

Alec reached out a glove covered hand.

"Sweetheart," Alice says rubbing her daughters
back."Your mate waits for you."

"You know what to do," Jasper says looking at her."We will always be a family no matter what you choose."

Alice nods her head indicating that maybe she already knew what Aurora would decide.Looking at her parents she smiles softly giving them a big hug and a kiss before slipping her hand hesitantly in the light haired boy's palm who's hand grasps hers firmly.

"I'll come visit soon I promise," She says looking at them.

Esme,Carlisle and Rosalie smile widely at her knowing she would be happy.

"Let's go home," Jane says leaving first.

Demetri and Felix look at the girl briefly before following Jane.

Alec lets her say a quick goodbye and they both follow.

"So quick question," Aurora says looking at Felix.

He remains silent but she figured she'd ask anyway.

"Did you guys come by plane or swimming?" She asks."I must say I'm burning with curiosity."

Demetri raises an eyebrow at the girl seemingly amused.

"We arrived in a private aircraft," Felix says."We're heading there right now to return to Volterra."

"You can sit next to me," Demetri tells the girl."and we can gossip."

"She'll be sitting next to me," Alec says tugging her a bit closer."We have some things to discuss perhaps you can have sometime when we arrive home."

Demetri nods his head in agreement.

Taking the stairs into the plane Alec brushes past the other three guards and pulls Aurora in to the corner love seat.

"How long is the flight to Volterra?" Aurora asks Alec.

"It's a twelve hour flight cara mía," He says looking at her.

The Volturi man looks at his mate from head to toe;plump pillowy lips,heart shaped face,wild curly hair that framed her face perfectly,hands molded exactly to his and her hooded eyes,let out a sultry look as they stared at each other.Her siren eyes enchanting him greatly.

If the girl could blush she would have been the shade of a ripe tomato.The italian phrases her mate was spewing were undeniably attractive, she wasn't going to lie,and they moved her unbeating heart to the core.

"Would you mind taking off your contacts?" He gestured to her eyes."I'd like to see all of you."

Nodding she leans slightly to the side so he wouldn't see her awkwardly take them out.She turns to face him once more before he smiles. Lifting a hand up to her face he cups her chin and with the other hand he brushes a stray piece of her hair.

"Brother," Jane's voice rings from the front.

"I'll be right back," He says to her before standing up and walking to his twin.

Aurora's gaze wanders off before she looks outside out the window looking at the height they were flying at.Alec takes a while so she decides go past the time texting her mother and father.

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