Sabaton - No Bullets Fly

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Got nothing to say so let's just get this started.

After what happened before, the kansens had to calm down a bit. What they didn't know was that Graf Zeppelin was about to say the same thing too but knew that she would get in trouble so she kept quiet. A few minutes had gone by since then and the kansens had returned back into the room.

Voice: Y'all calm now?

S. Belorussiya: Da.

Belfast: Yes we have.

A. Graf Spee: Sorry for what my schwester said before.

Warspite: That lady needs to do something about her superiority complex.

J. Bart: Good luck convincing her that.

Voice: Speaking of Deutschland, she'll be sitting this one out. And it's a good thing too.

Lexington: Let me guess. Some kind of wholesome song?

Voice: Yup.

G. Zeppelin: Well, in that case, count me out too. 

Graf Zeppelin got up and walked out of the room without saying anything else.

Voice: Ok then.

Tirpitz: Please pay no attention to her. So, what is this song called?

Voice: No Bullets Fly. A story that took place in World War 2 where a German fighter escorted a damaged American B-17 bomber out of AA range and to safety.

(Credit to Yamato_711 for the suggestion)

Takao: Well, that sounds unbelievable.

Howe: Stories like that just seem unnatural and out of place in wars.

Repulse: Did you forget about literal Russian zombies?

Howe: Oh yeah. That song.

Yorktown: It shows that even in wars, there will always be something positive that happened during it.

Voice: Alright, so let's get started.

Voice: This song is animated so you'll better understand what's happening.

Dunkerque: Not complaining.

Video begins with some narration. A bunch of planes can be seen flying.

[V]: It's December the 20th, 1943. And in the freezing air high above Germany, 2nd Lieutenant Charles "Charlie" Brown is at the controls of his B-17 F, Ye Olde Pub.

Scene shows Charlie and his co-pilot. Camera zooms out to show the planes name.

Scharnhorst: A strange name. Wonder why they named it like that.

[V]: At 11:30 approaching the target of the Focke-Wulf plant near Bremen, the pub is rocked as 4 explosions go off right in front of the B-17.

Scene shows explosions going off everywhere around them.

[V]: A cry comes across the intercom, "We're hit!"

[V]: In the plexiglass nose, a huge hole had been made and icy cold wind was being blown inside, making freezing conditions for the crew.

Scene from outside shows the broken plexiglass and cold wind being blown inside.

Illustrious: Oh dear...

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