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Set a month before season 1

JJ, John B, Luke, Pope + Kie


JJ drummed his fingers on the table, chewing on the inside of his lip as he and John B sat in the empty classroom.

"Can you stop that." John B grumbled.

JJ rolled his eyes, but stopped anyway, leaning back in his chair with a sigh. "You gotta admit," He said after a moment. "It was rather impressive."

John B raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, because causing a mini explosion that damaged a lot of science equipment was impressive." He muttered.

JJ shrugged. "I thought it was." He said. "And you can't put all the blame on me, you were all up for it."

John B shrugged too. "I got bored." He said with a small smirk.

JJ laughed, but looked up when the door opened, a teacher popping his head in.

"You sit tight JJ," He said. "Your Dad's been called and he's on the way. John B, turns out we can't get hold of your uncle so will you let him know that he needs to come down to the school as soon as possible please? There are damages that need to be payed for. You can leave when you like."

John B snorted once the teacher had left, running a hand through his hair. "Good luck to them I say," He muttered. "I don't even know where my uncle is, but he's not in the state I'll tell you that now."

"Surely it can't be that much in damages?" JJ said slowly, but he sounded worried.

John B sighed. "It'll be enough," He muttered. "For one we destroyed the whole table-"

JJ bit his lip, looking down slowly and taking a deep breath. "Would you tell anyone if I did one out the window?" He asked his friend.

John B stared at JJ for a while, before shaking his head slowly. "You know I wouldn't." He murmured.

He knew JJ wanted to get away before his Dad got there, and of course he wasn't about to rat his best friend out.

JJ gave him a gratful smile, but before he could even stand from his seat, the door burst open and Luke marched in, looking so angry it even sent shivers down John B's spine.

"$200 you just cost me." He growled, pointing his finger at his son, who shrunk back slightly. "To replace a bunch of lousy science equipment. You've done some stupid things in your life but this takes the piss."

"It wasn't all his fault."

Luke turned to John B, but before he could say anything in reply JJ stood and stepped in front of him. "Don't." He muttered. "And I'll pay you back, I promise."

"Like hell you will." Luke spat. "Do I look like I can afford to give $200 to this crap school?"

JJ knew better than to answer, so he just lowered his gaze and kept his mouth shut, heart beating slightly faster than usual.

There was silence for a moment, before Luke pointed at the door. "Go," He muttered. "Now."

JJ turned to John B for a sec, who slowly shook his head, but it did nothing.

JJ left the room, Luke following quickly behind and slamming the door after him.

John B stood there for a second, before he yanked his phone out of his pocket.

Unlocking it, he quickly called Pope, pacing the room as he waited for him to pick up.

"What is it man?" Came his friends voice after a moment. "I'm kind of busy with homework."

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