I'll be fine...

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John B frowned as he returned to his desk after handing in the permission slip for the upcoming school trip.

He noticed JJ hadn't moved from his seat and was currently staring at the teacher and the front, or more specifically the stack of permission slips in his hand.

"Are you not going?" He asked as he sat down.

JJ turned to face him and snorted a little, putting on a small smile. "My Dad won't even sign the permission slip let alone give me the money for the trip." He muttered. "So no, I'm staying here."

John B hesitated. "You want me to stay behind with you?" He asked.

JJ shook his head. "Don't be stupid man," He breathed. "You, Kie and Pope go have fun. Besides, it's only a couple of days, I'll be fine."

"Will you...?" John B mumbled. 

JJ stared at him for a moment. "Yeah, course." He said quickly, nodding.

John B sighed. "Well, the chateau's there if you wanna crash." He told him.

"I don't wanna intrude on your Dad." JJ argued. "He's probably looking forward to some time alone, you know, to get on with his treasure hunting."

John B went to argue back before Pope returned to his seat. "You not going JJ?" He asked. "Didn't see you hand in your slip."

"No I'm not going." JJ said with a small shrug. "Didn't feel up to it."

Pope shared a look with John B, who just slowly shook his head, but before he could say anything else the teacher stood and started talking, leading to the end of their conversation.

But John B was worried about JJ. He knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't intrude on his Dad at the Chateau, so he'd spend his time at school, down the beach... or at his own house.

And that's what worried John B the most.


JJ sat in the classroom the next day, just him and two other people listening to the teacher ramble on about some awful maths equation, every other student off on the History trip that their parents had both signed the permission slip for and payed for.

JJ scowled at the thought of his Dad refusing to sign anything because JJ apparently didn't deserve to go on such a trip, and also scowled at the rain falling outside, and the oncoming storm.

The storm meant he'd have to go back to his house after school, and considering the storm was meant to last for the next two days, it looked like he'd be spending the weekend there too.

The thought of just going to the chateau did cross his mind, but he'd heard big John rambling on about how it'd be nice to get John B out of his hair and to have the weekend to himself to concentrate for once, so that thought was quickly gotten rid of.

Pope's parents were way too busy with work to let him stay with them, and Kiara's parents were major kooks so that was out of the question, plus if he stayed with either of them, they'd start asking questions, and that was something he definitely didn't want.

So after school he reluctantly made his way back home, finding himself soaked to the bone by the time he got there, much to his annoyance.

His mood lifted a little when he found the house empty, his Dad nowhere to be seen, so he headed into his bedroom to change, before grabbing a beer out the fridge and plopping down onto the sofa.

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