"You are the drizzle wind that blow to delighted my heart..."

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"Get yourself together. What kind of behavior is this from you?"

"Me? You better take a look at yourself... Could you for once put aside your male pride and notice what you're doing?!"

"You always create problems where there are none! Stop acting like a drama queen..."

"I only asked you for one thing. Could you please fold your clothes? Did I ask for too much? You did it graciously as always, of course."

"I was at work today. You are sitting at home all day."

"That doesn't mean I'm supposed to be a cleaner and your servant! That's not what we agreed on."

"Alright, so should I then hire such a lady for myself, who will take care of the house and me, will that be better?"

"And do you think there is no problem between us? I clean, cook... You don't have to do anything in this house. Sometimes you ask if I need any help... You can see for yourself what needs to be done, so you don't have to ask about it... How old are you to point your finger at what should and shouldn't be done?! I'm really starting to wonder who is older in this relationship... Besides, you never respect my work... How many times have I asked you to respect the way I organize your wardrobe? Can't you see, or are you really blind? You can't even last a week without messing up the clothes I carefully folded!"

"Look at yourself..."

"Okay, the only difference between you and me is that when I make a mess on the shelves, I clean it up, but you... You haven't put away the neatly folded clothes into the closet even once since we started living together... You don't respect me at all!"

"I told you, that I would clean up wardrobe by myself..."

"You have no respect for me. You don't appreciate anything that I do for you... You only see the tip of your own nose!"

"You better go lie down, because you probably didn't get enough sleep. And stop talking nonsense because you're giving me a headache with your whining..."

"Yes, you're right... I'll stop... Forever..."


Mix decided to leave the living room to avoid further argument. He was very weak. He knew that tears would stream down his face any moment. He wanted to avoid another confrontation, but his partner had entirely different plans. Earth rose from the couch, following the younger one into the kitchen...


When I met you, I didn't see you as material for my future partner. You were a friend to me, like many others. You were a very good friend. We lived in different cities, miles apart... We didn't have any mutual friends and the chance of us ever meeting in person was slim... Our friendship was in a safe zone, so I trusted you. Sometimes it's easier to confide in a stranger, than in someone you have closer relationships with.

As I mentioned before, you were different from the people in my surroundings. You were a few years older than me. You were also very mature and focused on achieving success, whether in work or private life. Towards me, you were patient and gentle. I could speak to you directly about my feelings, which you understood and always showed me support.

I laughed to myself that eventually you'll get bored of my chatter... How much can one listen about how messed up this world is, and how nothing makes sense?

About how I hate my job? Being a salesperson in any random store is not the pinnacle of my dreams... It was you, who pushed me to apply for college... You said it would open up many possibilities for me... That someday I would slam my resignation on the boss's desk and go to my dream job, where people would appreciate me and I would earn more money. I never felt the need for further education because, why bother?

You also don't have a higher education which you regret, but despite that, you want to take care of me. You want me to graduate from a university and have a better future than before...

Well, exactly... Speaking of the future... You showed me that there is a future waiting for me. Maybe it won't be all sunshine and rainbows, but it will be there, because it's not worth leaving this world at such a young age...

I left my past behind. You were right when you made me realize, that these were not the kind of people I should associate with. True friends don't behave like that... My acquaintances cared about me, but maybe not in a beneficial way. They dragged me down into the world of alcohol and nicotine... It was because of them and their company that I couldn't restrain my tendencies towards certain substances... Additionally, I played with fire by participating in illegal races... often while being mildly intoxicated. I didn't mention it before, but unfortunately that's the truth that I would like to forget...

Before I started eating, it also took a while. As far as I can remember, I had a table of energy values of many products in my head, so putting anything in my mouth without thinking about how many calories and fat it had was quite a challenge...

Thanks to you telling me that I am perfect for you... Thanks to your words that tell me how beautiful I am... I trusted you that one more spoonful of soup wouldn't kill me...

You made me feel important... Unique... Appreciated... Loved...

From time to time, you spoke sweetly to me, "accidentally" touching my hand. I know what that kind of behavior means. I can recognize when someone is flirting with me.

At first, I pretended not to notice... However... Slowly, I started to like it... I let you do it... Or rather, I let myself do it, because for many months I haven't let anyone get close to me in this way...

...You broke down the wall that I've been building for the past few years. Brick by brick, you took away my shame, insecurity, lack of self-worth and sadness...

In the ruins of that wall, you built an armor that protected me from myself and all the evil of this world...

You wanted so much to meet me face to face, to get to know me in real life.
I used to say that you already know me and I know you. We know each other's hearts, but our bodies still remain a mystery.

To be honest, I wasn't sure what I wanted, but I agreed to continue.
I wasn't entirely sure about my feelings towards you, but I accepted your request and became your boyfriend during our first meeting...

I never regretted that decision.

I have never loved anyone so deeply. You are the first person to whom I gave not only my body, but also my whole self, including my heart, feelings and personality.

You promised me that you would always be the reason for my joy, that you would never argue with me... That I would always be the most beautiful and best boy for you... I trusted you...

White Thorns ♡ EarthMixWhere stories live. Discover now