"...Season Of You..."

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"You are the warm breeze that pass through me when my heart is shaking...
Like a morning sun that clear away my loneliness...
You are the drizzle wind that blow to delighted my heart...
Like a shining star in the darkness night...

You are every season that I’m waiting for~
The only one in my heart.

In this world, there is any other words more than love
That I can repeat to you,
How good do I feel for you...
All of my heart will be only for you.

You are the love song that I always listen every night...
You are thе sweet dream on my longest night...
You are my today, tomorrow and everyday...
You are the last one that stop my heart...

You are every season that I’m waiting for~
The only one in my heart.

In this world, there is any other words more than love...
That I can repeat to you,
How good do I feel for you...

All of my heart will be only for you.."


I would just like to say... Not as the author of this story... I would like to say it as a human being... just like you and everyone else. We are all just humans. We have the right to make mistakes. We have the right to cry. We also have the right to love. Love knows no boundaries, has no end, it lasts forever. Never let your love fade away. Also, don't let any argument or misunderstanding destroy the relationship you have built over a long time. Never leave the house when you are in a fight with someone, because you never know what tomorrow will bring. This story was inspired by the song "Season of You" by Mew Supassit and, well...my own stupid argument. As I mentioned earlier, I'm also just a human. I love. I suffer. I make mistakes. I learn about life and allow myself to do so. I believe in boundless love. I know that not every love is strewn with roses... sometimes thorns appear in it... However, let's not allow the white petals to dance carelessly in the wind... let's allow this rose to grow.

I hope I didn't make too many mistakes. I mean, I hope the content was understandable. If you find any mistakes with grammar or something, please let me know, I would be grateful for the correction.
As I said before, English is not my native language, and I feel like I'm not that good at writing... but it's ok if you still understand me.

Thank you to everyone who has read this story.
Thank you for every star and comment. It's truly kind. Seeing that, I know that you are here with me.
I hope you enjoyed it at least a little bit. I also wish you a lot of love. May happiness endure in your hearts throughout your life.

Love you all~
See you in the next story

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