"You are the last one that stop my heart..."

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By the time you read this, I won't be by your side anymore. I have been contemplating for a long time whether what I'm about to do is right. Every day and every night, I've been battling my demons...

The truth is, my depression has resurfaced for the past year. I've had suicidal thoughts more than once. I've wanted to drift away into the abyss that called me louder and louder with open arms...

You were my sanctuary. My hope. My heart. My everything.

I lived for you alone. You were more important than anyone else...

More important than myself...

You've grown distant from me. You no longer have as much time for me. You're occupied with work, and I'm sure you have problems you don't tell me about...

We haven't talked much in the past few months. You interrupt me halfway through my sentences, or you sigh under your breath... Perhaps I have already become tiresome to you...

I hold no grudges against you. You've endured with me for so long. You are an amazing person...

You are my prince and I am your rose... Our love is eternal like the whiteness covering its petals... Never forget that a prince may have many roses, but this one innocent rose exists only for him...

A year from now, my friend will come to visit you. I asked him to do so in a message I left addressed to him at my family home. I am certain he will look for me and visit my mother. Please, be kind to him...

Nanon will guide you to me. We will be able to spend our eighth anniversary together... Because today marks that much time passed...

You know, P'Earth... I want to apologize for being a burden to you. You deserve someone better than me because being with me only brings you hardship...

They say that if you love someone, you let them go... That if you truly care about someone, you rejoice in their happiness, regardless of what you feel. Today, I give you the freedom I deprived you of...

I had different plans for us today, it's true... I wanted our relationship to reach a higher level. However, I realized that it could make you feel trapped in a cage with no escape. I don't want to do that to you...

Both of us need an escape. You from me, and me from life... I'll make it easier for us...

P'Earth... I want you to know that I love you with all my heart, and in my heart, it will always be only you... I'm sorry I'm not strong enough...

I don't have much time left... I can literally feel the substance I injected into my vein spreading through my body... I'm departing, my P', right at this moment... I just want you to know... that I love you and I'm sorr...


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