"You are thе sweet dream on my longest night..."

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"What the hell is going on?!" Earth was abruptly awakened from sleep by a loud knocking on the door...

...He was furious that someone had woken him up at 11 am. It was his day off and he didn't have to go to work. He wanted to relax and sleep in a little longer. On top of that, he still felt angry after yesterday's argument with his boyfriend. He was pissed off at Mix, because this time he thought his sweetheart had gone too far... Is he insane or something? People don't behave like that...

Earth sometimes had enough of younger one behavior. He never saw his own fault in those arguments... In moments like yesterday, he would have moments of weakness where he either wanted to break up with his boyfriend or hit him... But he never did it, because he wouldn't be able to. Mix was too important to him, and even though the guy often had some crazy thinking and a terrible personality, Earth truly loved him and would never leave him.

After their argument Earth decided that they wouldn't sleep together that night. It was a very uncomfortable night for him. He chose to sleep on the couch in the living room, because he couldn't stand the sight of Mix next to him.

The knocking on the door grew louder and louder. Earth really didn't feel like getting up, but he decided to open the door and get rid of the intruder as quickly as possible.

"Is Mix home?" Without any greeting, the guest barged into their apartment, which didn't sit well with one of the owners.

"Maybe a little more politely? Can you do that, Nanon?"

"...And who's the one talking about being a master of personal manners... You moron, I'm asking you where the hell Mix is!"

"In the bedroom..."

"Damn, he's not here!"

"Why all the fuss? If he's not here, he'll come..."

"Oh my God... Seriously, I can't understand why my best friend agreed to be in a relationship with such a dimwit like you!"

"Watch your words!"

"And you, watch of yourself! Mix messaged me saying that you two had a fight... You better go find him now, or I'll kick your ass!"

"What the hell do you want from me?! I'm explaining it to you plain and simple... If he left, he'll come back..."


But Mix didn't come back...

He didn't return after a few days...

He didn't show up after a couple of weeks...

Five months passed, and the boy didn't give any sign of life...

Mix didn't respond to messages, didn't answer calls, and wasn't active on any social media platform... He literally vanished into thin air... Earth didn't like such a turn of events.

Earth tried to find him on his own, but it proved to be more challenging than he could have imagined.

Maybe Mix went to his family? It's possible, but Earth didn't even have the phone number of anyone close to him. What about friends? He must have some...

Maybe Nanon knows something? They often went out together, and there are probably other friends too, but... where to look for them?

It was like some kind of nightmare that started anew every day, just like in the worst horror movie...

<<time skip>>

"Mix, where are you? Please tell me... Give me some clues... I'm begging you..."

For the first time in a year, Earth appeared in his partner's room. It had been exactly one year since he had last seen him... Ever since his disappearance, Earth had locked that room and decided not to enter it. He threw himself onto his boyfriend's bed, tightly covering his body with the blanket. He buried his nose in the pillow that still smelled like Mix... Tears streamed from his eyes, and deep sobs escaped from his mouth...

The silence that filled the apartment was broken by the sound of the doorbell. Earth rushed to open it... Each time, he hoped that his beloved would be standing on the other side...

...Throughout all this time of separation, Earth realized that he was the only person at fault here...

It was him who broke the promise.

It was him who started neglecting and disregarding important matters.

It was him who had no clue about anything.

It was him who knew his boyfriend's body but somewhere along the way lost his heart...

"My love... my sweetie!"

Earth shouted joyfully, seeing a huge bouquet of roses. The flowers were so large that they obscured the person holding them, but surely no one other than Mix would give him white roses.

"Happy 8th anniversary P'Earth..."

"Nanon Korapat??!!

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