12: Fighting And Unexpected Guest

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

Her ears are ringing loudly by so many sounds of gunfires and metal hitting with each other.

Nezuko groans tiredly from the memory headache she got before as she focuses on her blurry view until they're now adjusted and sees her friends and enemies are on battlefield.

Watching them from afar, Nezuko looks around again as she saw Arcee and Cliffjumper fighting off some vehicons while Sunstreaker and Bumblebee are trying to destroy the spacebridge preventing the Decepticons go back to the Cybertron.

"Nezuko, are you okay?!"

The demon empress looks up as she sees Bulkhead has a expression of panicked and worried face until it replaces them into relief and little bit of concern.

"Thank the primus, you're alright." He sighs before scooping the little demon empress in his servos as Nezuko sits up gently not to cause another headache in her mind.

"C'mon, we gotta help the others destroying the spacebridge." He said as Nezuko hums nodding agreeing with him before facing towards the two leaders who are still clashing with each other intensely.

"This.... I don't want this..."

:Time Skip:

With the human kids inside where they can hack through the system to keep the Decepticon out.

Rafael stares at the screen seeing something odd for him to fix it as Miko closed the door walking over to her friends standing beside Rafael and she speaks, "Security is sure lacks in this place." She said as Rafael gets in the firewall.

"I'm in... And so are the Decepticons." Rafael frowns glaring at the screen with little bit annoyed and concern about their enemies as he remembers that his mother Nezuko brought the Vehicon with her.

"What...?!" Jack whispers shortly as he was about to ask him until Miko beats him to it, "How can you tell?" She question him whispering beside the little boy as he answered her question.

"Schematics, with the same alien math we saw on their ship." He explains glancing behind him before going back to the screen, "But this time," he shows them with the USB chip in his hand smiling cheekily, "I can download them." He added as he insert the chip into the monitor and went back typing away.

"It's gotta be a spacebridge." Miko started looking serious and worried as Rafael sees some little errors in the screen.

"The Decepticons are sinking it to the dishes," he said, "But I can sing to them." He added as Jack ask him about their opponents.

"Will they know about us including Nezuko?" He questions as Rafael smiles at him reassuringly.

"Even if the Decepticons see that I'm in the system, they have no idea I'm in the house.... I don't about Mama Nezuko though. She can be pretty little agressively when it comes to us got hurt." Rafael added shuddering at that image when the three witness Nezuko smashed the vehicon's helm with her bare leg.

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