13. The Boys Birthdays/ Peter Wakes Up

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Narrator POV

November 22nd, 2026

It's been a month since Peter snapped Thanos and his army out of existence.

He was able to survive, and has been Wakanda, helping his injuries.

As the days go by, the damage to his body slowly disappears.

Today is a special day, today is Tommy's and Billy's 5th birthday.

For the past 2 weeks, they spent it away with Grandma May, and playing with Morgan, but today, they asked to see their dad, along with Maybelle and Penelope.

The four walk in run to his left side.

"Are you sure we can be in here without mommy?". Asks Penelope.

"No, but I just wanna be with dad". Says Tommy.

"Hi dad, it's me, Billy. Guess what? It's mine and Tommy's birthday today".

Tommy nods.

"It is, and all I want, is for you to wake up dad. Please, wake up. I just want one hug".

"We all do daddy".

Tommy starts crying.

"Please daddy. Please wake up".

Billy, Maybelle and Penelope start crying.

The four cry and don't notice what's happening in front of them.

A hand lays on Tommy's head and a finger wipes his tears.

Tommy opens his eyes and finds his daddy looking at him.

"I'm awake, buddy. Please don't cry now."



The four kids climb the bed and hug Peter.

He groans in pain.

"We're sorry daddy, we just wanted to hug you".

Peter smiles.

"It's ok. I love hugs, especially your hugs".

The four kids continue to cry while hugging Peter.

"Stop crying, please. I don't want you to cry anymore".

The kids look at Peter.

And notice his own tears.

"Why are crying daddy"? Asks Maybelle.

Peter looks at all four kids.

"It's nothing. Don't you worry about that, just give me my hugs".

The kids hug Pefer, who only notices his right arm is gone.

They all stay like that, with no sound being made.

"Hey, where's your mommy?"

Tommy looks at Peter.

"She's with Grandma May. I can get her."

"Go, I wanna see her also."

Tommy climbs down and runs to his mother.

"Daddy, why did you sleep for along time?" Penelope asks

"You were asleep, but we wanted you to wake up to hug you". Says Billy

"And give lots of kisses". Says Maybelle.

Peter smiles.

"Kisses, huh. I want kisses, now".

The kids smiles and Penelope and Maybelle kiss Peterbon his cheeks, while Billy kisses his forehead.

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