Poetry: The Drowning Machine

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It's been a hot minute since I've written anything creative, thanks to school being so overwhelming and a general lack of inspiration, but I wrote a little poem I wanted to share, just so you know this is a venting poem, because it's been a frustrating few months as far as my mental health is concerned, and I wanted to let out some of those negative emotions.

For a little background context, the title refers to a rather gruesome real-life thing that for some reason recently captured my morbid fascination,  a "drowning machine" is what happens when fast-moving water flows over a dam and drops into the slow-moving water below which creates a backwash circling current that can be incredibly dangerous and nearly impossible to escape, hence its rather dark name. A lot of times I feel overwhelmed by my emotions, coming suddenly out of nowhere, and it feels like a constant cycle of highs and lows that I can't seem to shake off, and that was the kind of feeling I wanted to capture with this metaphor.

The Drowning Machine

It happens suddenly
blindsided, out of nowhere

Calm, placid waters
become a vacuum of death

Emotions rush in like a flood
water bursts through the dam

Unable to hold back
as tears pour out like waterfalls

Sucked beneath the surface
trapped within the backwash

Stuck in the endless cycle
of water that churns and swirls

Bombardment on every angle
no escape

The unseen whirlpool lurking beneath the waves
no one sees it, but I feel it

Stuck underwater for so long
mired in feelings that never seem to leave

Swirling, spiraling, circling, drowning

Should I fight my way to the surface
struggling to breathe again

Or should I sink beneath the torrent
remain silent

Even if I break the surface to take a breath
I get sucked back down again

All I need is help to get out
but it's so hard to reach out

In the looping current that never stops
drowning in my own emotions

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